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洋葱里长不出玫瑰。/乌鸦里飞不出金凤凰。An onion will not produce a rose.

且看小伙有绝招,梧桐来了金凤凰。See small trick, the Indus to golden phoenix.

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“左边有对金狮子,右边有对金凤凰”啦!The lion, the right of gold of golden phoenix"!"

金凤凰承诺一定做到“如金品质、共创辉煌”。We promise we must create resplendence with perfect quality.

到夜间,楼阁上彩灯通明,又恰似一只闪闪发光的金凤凰。To night, pavilions on the lantern brilliance, like a glittering gold Phoenix.

招财金凤凰,其实是用茶叶薰的鸭肉,这是我觉得最后吃的一道,皮脆肉嫩。Tea smoked duck with plum sauce, i like this most, the skin is crispy and the meat is soft.

补充光照对金凤凰无影响,也可使东林瑞雪和矮红在春季反季节开花。Replenishing illumination has no influence on some varieties but it enables some other varieties to flower in spring.

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近日,本报就金凤凰新的一年新的发展规划采访了九江金凤凰装饰材料有限公司董事长施合作。We interviewed Shi Hezuo, chairman of Jiujiang Golden Phoenix Decoration Materials Co. , Ltd about new one-year development plan.

为你栽下梧桐树,引来一只金凤凰,好运带到你身旁,甜蜜直抵你心房,幸福生活万年长。Under the trees planted for you, good luck to draw a golden phoenix, beside you, sweet heart, happy life you reaching old million.

我们期待有更多的有识之士加入金凤凰,我们将以卓越的产品和优质的服务给予我们的代理商更多的附加值。We expect more and more people of insight join us. We will supply our agents with more added values by perfect product quality and services.

舒尔茨担心,身为布鲁克林飞出的金凤凰,他很快会被描述为“重现美国梦的典型代表”。Mr Schultz worries that, having made a fortune after being born poor in Brooklyn, he could soon become a "poster child for an American dream that no longer exists".

从2000年起,“雷腾”系列、“龙腾”系列、“6118”系列、“金凤凰6127”系列、“马可波罗6127”系列等各类大客车就开始源源不断地从金旅驶向全国。Since 2000, "Leiteng", "Longteng", "6118", "Golden Phoenix 6127" and "Marco Polo 6127" series of large-sized coaches of various types have been hitting the road across China.

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金凤凰泡塑机械设备,生产各种规格板材机械设备,发泡机,切割机,成型机。Gold Phoenix foam plastics machine equipments, produce every kind of specification plank material machine equipments, hair bubble machine, incise the machine, model the machine.