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我们和它是共生关系-共生关系?。And we are symbionts with them. -Symbionts?

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狂热的互利共生并非只能成双成对。Rabid mutualism doesn't just happen in pairs.

牠们的交易是互利共生的绝妙例子。The exchange exemplifies a perfect mutualism.

尼尔森把这个过程叫做“电子共生”。Nielsen calls the process "electrical symbiosis".

因此,维格纳只好让铅笔留在脑内与她共生。So Wegner had to live with the pencil in her head.

人类与地理环境的共生。Intergrowth of mankind and geographical conditions.

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地衣是一类菌和藻的共生植物。Lichens is a kind of fungus and algae symbiosis plant.

但在共生和侵位的方式不同。But they differ in association and mode of emplacement.

病毒自身有时候也被纳入共生。Viruses themselves are sometimes taken in symbiotically.

事实上,斯诺是把这种关系描述为“共生”。In fact, Snow describes it as a "symbiotic" relationship.

第三章,“理论”与“实践”的共生。Chapter three entitled "theory" and intergrowth "practiced".

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变形虫阶段的细胞仍不含内共生菌。Cells of the amoeboid stage lacked the methanogenic endosymbionts.

共生关系是共同体与个体的统一。Intergrowth relationship is the unity of individual and community.

这将是所有光环之中最美丽的共生环。It will be the most beautiful symbiotic halo ever to halo things.

多晶体和共生晶体中常存在织构。Textures were found in polycrystals and intergrowth crystals mostly.

红茶菌是一种由醋酸菌和酵母菌共生发酵得到一种共生体。Kombucha is a kind of symbiosis with yeast and acetic acid bacterium.

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铜矿与硅灰石矿、石英矿共生。There copper mine, wollastonite mine and quartz mine are intergrowth.

微生物可以在相当远的距离上'电子共生'。Micro-organisms can live in electric symbiosis across great distances.

一般果树的根系都和真菌共生。Generally speaking, the root family of fruit-trees & funguses co-exist.