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奇怪的是没有一个人来揭破真面目。It was strange that no one pricked the bubble.

谎言被我揭破了,但他却一点也不羞愧。I exposed his lies, but he seemed not be ashamed at all.

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可是很多时候,很多事情之后,毫无情面揭破自己懦弱。But a lot of times, lots of things, no feelings uncover themselves.

世民知事情已被揭破,忙跪地恳求养母原谅。Shimin kneels on the ground and asks for his foster mother's forgiveness.

我想揭破大天然的神秘,用来造福人类。I wish to produce the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man.

圣灵藉著拿单的话,揭破大卫的诡诈和掩饰。The power of the Holy Spirit through Nathan broke through David's deceit and cover up.

哈格顿教授开始一步一步地揭破所谓创新要依赖创新者的说法。Step by step, Professor Hargadon began debunking the idea that innovation depends on inventors.

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面向大揭破机会的窗口之间的隔断在变得越来越短,每次我们就经由了这些机会的另一点。The intervals between the windows of opportunity for Disclosure grows shorter each time we pass another of these moments.

待莫莉回到家中,林午阳便直接揭破了莫莉的砸掉了电台的事实,两人因为电台的事情开始争吵起来。Molly returned home, Lin Wu Yang was directly authors Molly hit off the fact that radio, two people because radio thing began to quarrel.

在以前,一些中心当局曾试图鼓励公平易近及官员在网上揭破溃烂行为,但均未成功。In the past, some local governments tried to use the Internet to encourage citizens and officials to confess to corruption, but none succeeded.

介绍了蓝牙技术的性子,揭破了蓝牙技术是住户消息化的最佳通信式样。Introduced the blue tooth technology identity, has promulgated the blue tooth technology is the inhabitant information best communication mode.

另外,不良商人的劣行因为未被正面揭破,他们可以继续「生产」虫草伪劣产品,欺骗消费者。Furthermore, as unscrupulous manufacturers have not been exposed, they may continue to churn out shoddy caterpillar fungus products to fool consumers.

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继续连结对于大揭破的急迫要求,经过爱和成心图的设法,给那些有能力制订这些声明的领导者们,他们将把你们带入这个门槛。Keep pressing for Disclosure through Love and intentioned thought to those leaders capable of making the announcement which will push you past this threshold.

愿你揭破这种傢伙的嘴脸,让每一个老实人的手里都拿一根鞭子,把这些混蛋们脱光了衣服抽一顿,从东方一直抽到西方!O heaven, that such companions thou'ldst unfold, And put in every honest hand a whip To lash the rascals naked through the world Even from the east to the west!

她一向自视甚高,你提议她去喜欢那个家伙,等于揭破真相,让她看到自己跟那个男人原来是级数相同的,起码在你眼中是这样。She always has a high opinion of herself, you suggest she goes out with that guy, it means you dig out the truth, let her understand in fact they are on the same level, at least you think so.