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我必须买些卫生间必需品。I must buy some toilet requisites.

直接抱我去卫生间。Carry me into the washroom directly.

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卫生间的门更不宜冲床。The bathroom door is more not punch.

对在卫生间的行为念念不忘Becoming fixated on toilet behaviour.

蓝色的卫生间与水相衬恰如其分。Blue bath rooms are appropriately watery.

这个卫生间的主材是页岩。Of this toilet advocate material is shaly.

埃利斯的尸体躺在卫生间的地板上。Ellis lies dead on the floor of the restroom.

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她要在卫生间待多长时间呀?How much longer would she stay on the toilet?

远远的,和我们老妈的卫生间聊天去。Away, to have a chat with our mother’s toilet.

卫生间里有人,那肯定是约翰。The bathroom's occupied------ it must be John.

主卧向南带独立卫生间。Advocate lie to the south with separate toilet.

啊,这就解释了卫生间里的安全套!Ah, that explained the condoms in the bathroom!

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所有的房间都有独用的浴缸、淋浴和卫生间。All rooms have got private bath, shower and WC.

果不出我所料,卫生间有人占用。As I expected, somebody was using the washroom.

哦,在主街那有个公共卫生间。Well, there is a public rest room on main street.

囚犯们每天都要打扫这些卫生间。Inmate work crews clean these bathrooms every day.

您在太空堡垒中也没去卫生间吗?You didn't go to the bathroom on Battlestar either?

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他是个小丑,家里的卫生间都镀着金?That he is a buffoon with bathroom fixtures of gold?

有些人会尾随你到卫生间,听你尿尿。People follow you to the bathroom, listen to you pee.

卫生间内的水要烧开后才能饮用。The water in bathroom need to be boiled for drinking.