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据新闻报道,一股暖锋正朝这边移动。According to the news a warm front is moving this way.

气象预报员说,暖锋将停滞数天不移动。The weatherman said that the warm front would be stationary for several days.

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变性后的温带气旋暖锋锋生较冷锋锋生更为显著。Extratropical cyclone's warm frontal genesis was more significant than that of cold front.

右侧的图像显示的是一道暖锋自左往右爬升到冷气团上方的情形。The right image pair shows a warm front moving from left to right over a cold mass of air.

在气旋锢囚后,只有暖锋前的冷层和气旋中心水汽较多。After cyclone occlude, there are only fine water vapor conditions at fore warm front and cyclone center.

冷锋、气旋和台风影响下的降水预报准确率明显高于暖锋和副高影响下的降水。When the rain is caused by cold front, cyclone or typhoon, the rainfall forecast skill is higher than warm front or subtropical high.

卫星一开始工作,它的第一张图片就揭示了气象学家们从未看到过的冷锋和暖锋的详细结构。The moment the satellite turned on, its first image showed the structure of both a cold front and a warm front in detail scientists had never seen before.

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虽然大都与暖锋有关,它可以发生缓慢冷锋或静止锋,以及因此而得名正面雾也使用。Although it is mostly associated with warm fronts, it can occur with slow cold fronts or stationary fronts as well, hence the name frontal fog is also used.

西风带弱冷空气侵入台风北伸倒槽后,在黄淮之间有明显的暖锋锋生特征,是触发倒槽区域中尺度对流发展和暴雨产生的重要动力机制。It plays an important role in stimulating the convection that the weak cold air intrudes the area of the inverted trough, and conduce to warm frontogenesis, thus leading to the heavy storm.

在暖锋前,这条带状区域横向平行于传送带上升区中的气流,然而,在暖区中,则平行于冷锋和低空急流。Ahead of the warm front, the bands are broadly parallel to the airflow in the rising section of the conveyor belt, whereas in the warn sector they parallel the cold front and the low-level jet.

利用假湿绝热假定,导得简化的半地转湿锋生模式,利用该模式讨论大尺度凝结加热对暖锋锋生过程的影响。A simplified semigeostrophic frontogenesis model with inclusion of large-scale condensation latent heat is derived and the effects of latent heat release on frontogenesis of warm front are discussed.