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向“小花”致以谢忱。Thanks to the Little Flower.

我对他的工作倍感谢忱。I am grateful for his service.

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我要表达我的谢忱感谢。I'd like to express my gratitude.

我要表白我的谢忱。I"d like to express my gratitude."

因此我对他的工作倍感谢忱。And so I am very grateful for his service.

优雅地表达对游客赐食的谢忱。Show decent thanks for the feeding of passengers.

如果你当真要谢我,你只消表明你自己的谢忱。If you will thank me, let it be for yourself alone.

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在此,全地球人类社会向您深表谢忱。In this, the whole earth human society deeply thanks to you.

作者对于受到的帮助谨致谢忱。The writer wishes to express his appreciation for the aid received.

最后,我希望对我们的中国东道主表示诚挚的谢忱。And finally I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts.

末了,我志愿对我们的中国东道主表示诚挚的谢忱。And finally, I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts.

在此,全地球人类社会所有地球人向您深表谢忱。In this, the whole earth human society to you all the earth person deeply thanks.

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所有珍爱自由的人们都对你们伟大的国家深负谢忱的感情之债。All peoples who cherish freedom owe a profound debt of gratitude to your great nation.

我自从知道了这件事以后,一直就想对你表示谢忱。I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.

因此,我们将对扶轮基金会捐献,以聊表谢忱。Therefore, we will make a contribution to The Rotary Foundation as our expression of thanks.

我自从知道了这件事以后,一直就想对你表示谢忱。Ever since I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.

承蒙你记得我的生日并馈赠如此精美的礼品,谨致由衷的谢忱。How nice of you to remember my birthday and even more with such an elegant gift! Please accept my heartiest thanks.

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你们应对那个牺牲自己生命为你带来营养的动物满怀谢忱,为那个动物祈福。You should always give thanks for the animal who has sacrificed its life for your nourishment, and bless the animal.

求同解异,明确清楚,完善完美并使本论文或称之为可行性方案更加可行。就此谢忱。Seek solutions, clear clear vision, perfecting the perfect and make this thesis or call feasibility plan more feasible. This of thanks.

我们坚定不移地捍卫它所代表的自由,也对身着国旗并为之自豪的军人表达特别的谢忱。We remain committed to defending the liberties and freedoms it represents, and we give special thanks to the members of the Armed Forces who wear our flag proudly.