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草炭与风化炭改良盐碱土的生态效应。Ecological effect of peat and weathered coal on alkali-saline soil.

研究结果为天津滨海新区盐碱土生态治理规划提供了参考依据。The research provided guidance for planning and design of saline-alkali soil improvement in Tianjin.

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叶的结构呈现黑钙土型羊草结构和盐碱土型羊草结构之间的过渡类型。The structure of leaves was a transition type between that typical of chernozem soil and that of saline-alkali soil.

盐类及盐碱土开发已达到综合利用、整体开发的初始阶段。The exploitation of salts and saline-alkaline soils has reached the stage of comprehensive use and total development.

对比分析了施用活性微生物菌肥与不施用肥料的盐碱土上种植的乔木、灌木等绿化树种的生长状况。The growth status of fertilized plants including the arbors and shrubs was compared with that of non-fertilized plants.

暗管排水是改良低湿地和治理盐碱土有效的工程措施。Subsurface drain pipe system is a practical and effective solution to the improvement of submerged land and saline land.

古代人民通过粪肥施用、耕作、种植、盐碱土改造等措施,来改良土壤。Ancient people used manure spreading, plowing, planting and reforming saline-alkaline soil and such measures to improve soil.

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对活性微生物菌肥在盐碱土壤造林上的应用进行了初步尝试。An experiment was conducted to study the effect of microorganism fertilizer on forestation on saline-alkali soil in Daqing City.

采用硫酸铝对吉林省西部苏打盐碱土进行了改良,对改良后土壤的结构性及持水特性进行了测定。This article emphatically discussed the improvement effect of aluminum sulfate on bad physical characteristics of soda alkali-saline soil.

并对该区盐碱土农业生物治理措施及今后的工作提出了几点建议。At the end, several suggestions were made for agro-biological treatment of and future research on saline-alkalized land in Northeast China.

以盆栽试验方式研究了暗棕壤、黑土、白浆土、黑钙土、盐碱土等不同类型土壤对小粒大豆生长发育、产量和品质的影响。Effects of different soils on growth and development, yield and quality of small-seed soybean through pot cultivating experiment were studied.

中华补血草可改善盐碱土的土壤结构,使盐土脱盐,被誉为盐碱地改造的“先锋植物”。It is crowned as a "pioneering plant"in salina land due to the function of removing salt from salt-soil and of improving the structure of soil.

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种植星星草改良盐碱土是耗资低见效快,效果持久的生物措施。Planting puooinellia tennuifira is a long-term biological, low input and efficient method of ameliorating the meadow solonchak and solonetz soil.

同时,苏打盐碱土理化性质的改良也为作物生长创造了良好的土壤环境。At the same time, the improvement of physicochemical properties of soda alkali-saline soils has created the good soil environment for the crops growth.

选用吉林省西部典型苏打盐碱土,利用盆栽试验的方法探讨苏打盐碱胁迫对水稻不同生育时期各器官干物质积累的影响。With pot-culture experiments, we evaluated the effect of saline-sodic stress on dry matter accumulation of various organs at different growth stages of rice.

采用田间小区试验,研究了土壤改碱剂CLS对吉林省西部苏打盐碱土的改良效果。To improve the serious alkali soils in western Jilin province, the effect of the soil conditioner CLS on serious alkali soils was studied by field experiment.

在分析大庆市的自然和经济状况的基础上,针对性地对大庆地区盐碱土成因及现实状况进行了分析,并对大庆地区的盐生植物进行了实地调查。On the basis of the nature and economic development situation in Daqing, this article analyzed Daqing area soda sodium soils origin and the realistic condition.

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虽然国内外不少学者对盐碱土有过研究,但从农田生态学的角度去研究盐分含量与作物产量的相关性,却为数甚少。Emphasis has been given by means of mathematical analyses to the study of the interrelation between crop yields and chlorides which influence them most harmfully.

制作的土壤盐分空间数字地图可以为焉耆盆地的盐碱土改良与农业生产提供可靠的数字土壤信息。This research would help us to do lots of initial work for soil salinity treatment and improvement in the future, and we can get some reliable information from the digital maps.

盐碱土是陆地上分布广泛的一种土壤类型,其不良的理化性状严重影响着植物的生长发育。The saline-alkali soil is a widespread of soil types in the land distribution, and its serious influence the plant growth and development on physical and chemical characteristic.