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火车进入托斯卡尼平原时我们兴致很高。We enter the Tuscan plain in heightened spirits.

解决配偶工作、孩子入托及上学问题。The spouse job, children nursery and school can be solved.

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但在她入托的一个月内,老是生病。However, within one month of her kindergarten, always sick.

谢谢,如果我想把孩子入托在这里,我需要怎么做?Thank you, if I want to put my daughter in, what should I do?

外来投资者在户籍、子女入托入学及公益设施享用等方面,与本县居民享受同等待遇。Investors have equal rights as residents of Weishan County in education and public welfare.

为国内外投资创业者子女入托、入学而创办的双语幼儿园和双语寄宿学校。A bilingual kindergarten and boarding school established for children of domestic and foreign investors.

这些早期的耳濡目染,加上后来我们回到纽约后在中文幼儿园半日入托的熏陶,都还没能将我们的儿子打造成一位享誉太平洋两岸的企业精英。That early input, followed by half-days of Chinese preschool in New York, hasn't yet produced a junior trans-Pacific CEO.

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通过在国际货币投机中引入托宾税来解决投机市场的不稳定问题。The tackling of destabilising market speculation, through the introduction of a Tobin tax on international currency speculation.

安切洛蒂拒绝排除签入托雷斯的可能性,同时,曼城也被认为将斥巨资引入托托。Ancelotti has now refused to rule out a move for Torres, with Manchester City also thought to be weighing up a mega bid for the player.

可是当时,塔利班和基地组织领导人逃入托拉波拉山区,进入巴基斯坦。But then Taliban and al-Qaida leaders fled into the mountains of Tora Bora, escaped into Pakistan and the fighting has raged ever since.

是首部曲的恒久魅力手把手地将我们引入托尔金Tolkien富于想象力的世界里,让我们对哈比特人的共同热爱成为可能。It’s the enduring quality of the first instalment, leading us by the hand into Tolkien’s richly imagined world, that made our collective Hobbit-love possible.

网站上还提供美国历史及政府、联邦福利、医疗保健及住房、教育、儿童入托、就业及金融管理等信息。There are also sections on U.S. history and government, federal benefits, health care and housing, education, child care, employment and financial management.

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至于孩子一入托就生病有两种可能,其一,您孩子的抵抗力低,幼托机构内有其他孩子感冒她便染上。As for your baby nursery on the sick one has two possibilities, one , your baby's resistance to low, preschools have other children with a cold she contracted.

但是我要明确指出,同工同酬、家事假、孩子入托等不只是妇女问题,而是家庭问题和经济问题。But I want to be clear that issues like equal pay, family leave, child care and others are not just women’s issues, they are family issues and economic issues.

在他进入托特纳姆时,警方决定截下达根,担心他持有武器,警方在行动组加入了来自精锐的火力支援队C019的警员。As he entered Tottenham, police decided they would halt his vehicle and, fearing he had a weapon, decided to involve armed officers from their elite firearms unit, C019.

目的了解儿童入学入托查验接种证制度的执行现况及其影响因素,为儿童预防接种工作的顺利开展提供可行性依据。Objective To study the present situation of administering entry immunization and the influencing factors, and to provide feasible bases for children's prevent ye immunization.

目的了解儿童入学入托查验接种证制度的执行现况及其影响因素,为儿童预防接种工作的顺利开展提供可行性依据。Objective To study the present situation of administering entry immunization and the influencing factors, and to provide feasible bases for children' s preventive immunization.

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目的了解贵州省入学入托儿童的接种卡证建立现况及其影响因素,为采取相应的干预措施提供依据。Objective To study the present situation of immunization certification constitution among children of entry school or in kindergarten, and to provide evidence for the intervention measures.

之所以进行这项研究主要基于本人以及幼儿社会支持系统对入托危机的片面理解和相应的教育策略的反思。The reason to do the research is that the social support networks and I hold a partial opinion to the crisis and my reflection on the understanding and corresponding educational strategies.