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我深切地信奉这一使命。I believe deeply in that mission.

一年半以前我才开始信奉基督教。I became one a year and a half ago.

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他因为信奉异端思想而以火刑处死。He was burned at the stake for heresy.

人们信奉各种各样的事物。People believe in all sorts of things.

他们来自意大利,信奉天主教。They came from Italy and were Catholic.

傣族信奉南传上座部佛教。Dai believes in South-Shangzuo Buddhism.

我承认我是一个变革的信奉者。I acknowledge that I am a change embracer.

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他们相信上帝就象他们信奉安拉一样。In God Their Trust As In Anla Their Trust.

它信奉社会主义和社会正义。It believed in socialism and social justice.

只有信奉的人来说,才神圣。It's only holy to people who take it as holy.

这些都是科赫兄弟长期信奉的信条。These are long-standing tenets for the Kochs.

所以我更信奉一个非常“激进”的所得税体系。So I believe in a very progressive tax on income.

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理解与信奉“阶梯性”。Understand and embrace the "capability gradient".

督伊德教是古代凯尔特人信奉的一种原始宗教。Druidism is a primitive religion of ancient Celts.

中国古代哲学家们起初多信奉巫术。Ancient Chinese philosophers were born out of sorcery.

这将是一本信奉基督的书.当时我仍是个基督徒.It was to be a Christian book. I was a Christian then.

他信奉广开思路、褒奖成功。He believed in cultivating ideas and rewarding success.

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法国文化信奉一种低压力的生活方式。The French culture also espouses a low-stress lifestyle.

中东地区的人民大都信奉伊斯兰教。People who live in middle-east areas all believe in Islam.

他被控告信奉邪说,后被宗教法庭逮捕。He was charged with heresy and arrested by the lnquisition.