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他倒下的地方。Where he fell.

直到呯的一声倒下说拜拜。Until bang and bye bye.

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爱尔兰是第二个倒下的。Ireland was next to fall.

如果以色列倒下,那我们全都会倒下。If Israel falls we all fall.

在决赛中,他倒下了。But he was down in the final.

树倒下来时我听到哗啦一声响。I heard crash as the tree fell.

她向后倒下,摔伤了头。She fell back and hurt her head.

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马普安蹒跚着,但没有倒下。Andy stumbles, but does not fall.

那棵树发出咔的一声巨响断裂倒下了。The tree cracked loudly and fell.

人人可以信,但仍要签倒下牌。Trust everybody, but cut the card.

转啊,转啊。我们都倒下了。Twirling, twirling. We all fall down.

一旦巨人倒下,必有为数众多的人受到牵连。And when a giant falls, many get hurt.

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这个男孩倒下的时候把皮肤擦伤了。The boy skinned his knee when he fell.

他们倒下了,面朝着敌人,倒下了。They fell with their faces to the foe.

他们倒下了,为的是自由能长存。Theyhave died that liberty might live.

当我倒下时,吉安达以为我被射中了。When I fell, Giunta thought I was hit.

那一刻,倒下的勇士得以欣然长辞。How had the brave who fell exulted now!

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倒下的树刚刚擦过他的椅子。The falling tree just grazed his chair.

教练一出手,孩子便应声倒下。Coach a hand, the children will go down.

倒下的树、灌木丛、栅栏等。Knocked-down trees, bushes, fences, etc.