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绝望中他只能去私立医院。In despair he went private.

我妹妹上私立高中。My sister goes to a private high school.

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如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。If you go to a private hospital you must pay.

但是对于男生,如果他们在一个私立小学就读,But the boys, if they are in a private sector,

这里是蓝染花私立精神科疗养院。This is Aizome Private Psychiatric Sanatorium.

巴林是世界上最古老的私立银行。Barings was the oldest private bank in the world.

他在一所重点私立中学教化学。He taught chemistry at a leading independent school.

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另一个主要的私立培训机构是上海的昂立集团。Another major player is the Shanghai-based Rise group.

学习院大学是东京的私立大学。Gakushuin University is a private university in Tokyo.

我们为什么不把小女儿送进附近的一所私立走读学校呢?Why don't we send our daughter to a day school nearby?

该工程院是一所私立的,独立的,非盈利性机构。The NAE is a private, independent, nonprofit institution.

该市同时还有很多私立的、教会的、商务学校。The city has many private, parochial, and business schools.

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我今年十七岁,就读私立高中。I am seventeen years old, studying in a private high school.

一个私立基金机构的轶事以及它的一些基金项目One private funding institute's story, and a few of its grants

一家私立疗养院做了一项研究,效果显著。The article described a remarkable study done at a nursing home.

马立忠就是是其中一所私立语言学院的主任。Leo John Ma is the director of one such private language institute.

另外,私立中学也有所发展。In addition, the private middle school developed to some extent too.

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2007年她来到苏州,并在私立洪恩学校教书。She moved to Suzhou in 2007 and taught at a private school, Hong En.

自2001年以来,私立学院的数量已从664所飙升至4892所。Since 2001 the number of private colleges has leapt from 664 to 4892.

而要进入优秀的私立幼儿园和学校,需要的花费还要多得多。Top tier private kindergartens and primary schools can cost even more.