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你能想象三维的“电子世界争霸赛”吗?Can you imagine TRON in 3 dimensions?

他想要成为星际争霸战里的寇克舰长。He wanted to be Captain Kirk in Star Trek.

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魔兽世界和魔兽争霸面有惭色,各自归家。WOW and War3, ashamed, returned to their homes.

在魔兽争霸出来前我一直都不算是真正的电脑游戏迷。I was never a real PC gamer until WarCraft came out.

昨天你看了世界拳王争霸赛了吗?Did you watch the World Boxing Championship yesterday?

忘记以前登月竞赛的美苏争霸吧。Never mind the two-party U.S.-Soviet moon race of old.

你看了昨天的世界拳王争霸赛了吗?Did you watch the World’s Boxing Championship yesterday?

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星际争霸较其他RTS游戏有着最好的宏机制。StarCraft has the best macro style of any RTS ever made.

魔兽争霸III现在将在启动时自动写入注册表数据。Warcraft III will now write its registry keys on launch.

成就系统对于星际争霸系列游戏是个全新的内容,它以前从没有出现在这款游戏中。Achievements will be something new to the StarCraft series.

星际争霸2的宏操与微操非常接近于星际争霸1。Macro and Micro in Starcraft 2 is very similar to Starcraft.

自信是走向成七雄争霸怎么过重楼功的第一步。Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to succe.

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最近吉隆坡在一场摩天大楼的争霸战中击败了芝加哥。Recently Kuala Lumper beat Chicago in a battle of skyscrapers.

当时,七国争霸,常年战乱,秦是其中一国。It was one of seven states that had been warring for centuries.

最近吉隆坡在一场摩天大楼的争霸中击败了芝加哥。Recently, Kuala Lumper beat Chicago in a battle of skyscrapers.

几年来,社交媒体领域头一回开始了双龙争霸的局面。For the first time in a while, social media is a two-horse race.

星际争霸当中的宏操与微操都非常重要。Macro and Micro in Starcraft was an important factor of the game.

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现在WC3和星海争霸运动员正在轮流一些种“誓约”。Now the WC3 and StarCraft players are taking some sort of" oath."

伯喜否是春秋后期吴越争霸史上的重要人物之一。Bo Pi is an important person in the late Spring and Autumn Period.

如果你的会自动更新魔兽争霸世界账户的,把这个也取消掉。If you automatically renew your World of Warcraft account, cancel it.