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这个塾师从书本上抄了一篇,就把祭文给了富人。The tutor copied one from the book and gave it to the rich man.

通过各种途径培训塾师,提高塾师素质。To improve the quality of teacher by private teacher training through various channels.

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受塾师影响,开始摹写兰竹与山水。Influenced by his teacher, he started counterdrawing the models of orchid-bamboo and landscape paintings.

塾师与主人通过饮酒作乐而增加情谊,通过相互的经济帮助而加深情感。The private teacher and the host strengthened their friendship through drinking and mutual financial help.

第三章共分四节探讨塾师文学形象灰暗的原因。This chapter divides into four and carries on the discussion to reason with gloomy literature image of the tutors.

上个世纪六十年代,十六岁的我听说贵州有人请塾师,就去碰运气,结果碰得鼻青脸肿、无人理会。The last century sixty's, at the age of sixteen, I heard that Guizhou is invited to the tutor, luck, the results were bruised, nobody cares.

由于缺乏强有力的中央政府的领导,来自塾师的抵抗以及私塾根深蒂固的社会地位等因素的制约,这场改良运动显得雷声大、雨点小而收效甚微。The reform of SiShu made little achievement for the absence of the powerful government, the resist of the teacher of SiShu and adaptability of SiShu ect.

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其后塾师年老病逝,伦文叙因而失生,但仍一面操持糊口,一面专心钻研经典。Old died later Shu Shi, Kung Fu and thus loss of health, but still the one hand perform household subsistence on the one hand to concentrate on studying classics.

不过,这种增长在很大程度上已远远超出了"私塾"及其对"塾师"社会需求的增长速度,而呈现出了一种"供大于求"的相对失衡的社会局面。However, the increase greatly exceeded the social demand for such private schools and private tutors, and there emerged the imbalance of "supply exceeding demand".

知识女性以母兼师的身份出现,对子女进行教导,她们中的一些人还成为专业的闺塾师,突破了传统社会中男性对塾师行业的垄断。As a mother and teacher, the gifted women teach their children and other family's daughter, breaking the traditional social sectors in the male monopoly of teacher.

塾师阶层也逐渐消退,由学堂教员代之,从而开始了近代中国教育职业群体的转换。The class of teachers in Sishu gradually faded away, whose place was taken of by school teachers. And the educational colony of teacher made its conversion in modern China.