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这男孩天生聋哑。The boy was born a deaf-mute.

我不能忍受我的破烂的聋哑英语!I can't stand my poor deaf-mute English.

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重剑教他的这些话聋哑学生。Epee taught these words to his deaf students.

后来,凯瑟琳发现监狱里有一个聋哑犯人。Later, Catherine found a deaf-mute in prison.

有一个聋哑王公住在最高层。There is a deaf and dumb Maharajah staying on the top floor.

教师对聋哑学生的亲社会行为评价较高。Teachers evaluate pro-social behaviors of deaf students highly.

像海伦聋哑一样,我曾经对共和党的内幕毫不知晓。Like Helen I was once blind and deaf to the truths of the Republican Party.

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西伽尔教士在给聋哑的马西欧的一封信里谈到过散普丽斯姆姆。The Abbe Sicard speaks of Sister Simplice in a letter to the deaf-mute Massieu.

这位意志坚强的母亲通过耐心的努力终于帮助她的聋哑儿子学会开口说话。The strong-willed mother managed to help her deaf son tho speak after much patience.

当时有针对聋哑学生的。其中加华盛顿的拉德特大学就是其中之一。But there are for deaf students. One of them is Gallaudet Unversity in Washington D. C.

聋哑儿童大都入了学,聋哑人开始掌握手语和书面语。Deaf children, mostly into learning sign language and writing deaf-mute began to grasp.

海伦“凯勒天生聋哑失明,当然没什么让她自信。Helen Keller was born deaf dumb and blind certainly nothing to give her self-confidence.

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海伦·凯勒天生聋哑失明,当然没什么让她自信。Helen Keller was born deaf, dumb and blind, certainly nothing to give her self-confidence.

贯彻这种不屈不挠的思想,中国人声称,他们已经发现了一种聋哑治疗法。Through such indomitable thinking, the Chinese claim they have found a cure for deaf-muteness.

结论聋哑儿童视觉反应时慢于正常儿童。Conclusion The optical reaction time of deaf-mute children was slower than that of normal ones.

解放军医疗队用针刺疗法治疗聋哑病人的消息很快传了开来。The news that the P. L. A. medical team was treating deaf-mutes with acupuncture soon got about.

教孩子们一些手语,以与聋哑或别的残障人士进行交流。Teach children some sign language as a vehicle for talking about deafness and other disabilities.

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一对聋哑双胞胎姐妹志愿者在东城区簋街城市志愿者岗亭内教大家哑语。Deaf-mute twins teach sign language at a city volunteer station on Guijie Street, Dongcheng District.

文章针对目前大学英语教学中的“聋哑英语”现状,分析了传统教学法的不适应性。This paper analyzes the inappropriateness of the traditional methodology which leads to "Dumb English".

世界上最受欢迎的聋哑女性和政治话语之间有何干系?What do the world's most popular deaf and blind woman and the topic of politics have to do with each other?