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在选取区域中删除。Delete the isna in selection.

方向应该根据惯例来选取。I have to choose a convention.

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孩子们选取了自己喜欢的部分。and they took their favorite part.

本章中选取徐鼒作个案研究。Xuzi as case study in this chapter.

那么我应该选取数组中的哪个点呢?And I keep cutting the problem down.

济宁市是本文选取的研究对象。Jining City is the example of research.

儿子应该拒绝选取鹅花石。The son should refuse to take a pebble.

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我选取了一些适度简单的值。and I pick something reasonably simple.

选取草图的最右侧直线。Select the right-most line of the sketch.

选取正常胰腺组织10例为对照。And 10 cases of normal pancreases tissues.

本章选取陈去病作个案研究。In the same way, Chen Qubingas case study.

仿简书选取页面内容生成图片效果。Select the page content generated picture.

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如果选取这个选项,新行不会缩排。When selected, new lines are not indented.

该方法可以自适应选取p值。The method could adaptative choose P value.

小组轮流每次从10句绕口令中选取一个句子号码。Choose the No. from 10 tongue twisters in turn.

样本的选取采取随机数字拨号的方法。S. , selected using random-digit-dial sampling.

然后选取希望查阅的书目,如孔融集。Then choose the desired title, e. g. Kongyongji.

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您可以选取事件名称,直接移至该处理常式。You can select a handler and jump directly to it.

你需要选取初始时刻的位移You get to pick where it was at the initial time.

这里您可以选取该项项目应该是归档的。Here you can select which items should be archived.