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随身带把伞。Take an umbrella with you.

一个行李箱,还有一个包随身携带。I also have a carry-on bag.

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他们都佩带着随身武器。They all carried side arms.

请看管好随身物品。Please mind your belongings.

这是我的随身行李。This is my carry-on luggage.

它就在我的随身衣包里。It is here, in my carpet-bag.

他随身有了另外的一匹马.He had another horse with him.

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我想用随身携带这个袋子。I like to hand-carry this bag.

你有任何随身行李吗?。Do you have any carry-on luggage?

是的。哦!还有这两件随身行李。Yes. Oh! And these two carry-ons.

你有多常使用随身碟呢?How often do you use a flash disk?

我们对随身行李危机的解决方案Our solution to the carry-on crisis

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她从随身小提包中偷偷地拿出一只手枪。She sneaked a gun out of her purse.

我的挎包是随身行李。My shoulder bag is carry-on luggage.

把你的所有随身行李放入篮子里。Put all your belongings in ths basket.

我得携带所有的随身行李吗?Do I have to carry all my hand luggage?

它甚至还随身携带氧气瓶。It even has an onboard oxygen canister.

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这是易碎品,我要随身带着。This is fragile. I need to carry it on.

有。随身行李也要放上输送带吗?Yes. Do you want those on the belt, too?

他甚至苍蝇与它作为随身行李。He even flies with it as carryon luggage.