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我急坏了,一路冲到局子里要保释他出来。In a panic, I rushed to go bail him out.

现在我进了局子,法律体制把我搞糊涂了。Now here I go gettin' lost in the system.

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今天,我男朋友因为违反交规进了局子。Today, my boyfriend went to jail for a DUI.

这间房的窗户上还有栏杆,给我一种呆在局子里的感觉。The rooms had bar windows which made it seem like prison.

仅仅是钱的因素,会不会是局子里道德准则的问题?Is it simply the money, or is there a problem with morale at the agency?

你听听咱们局子里趟子手赌钱之时,说的话可还好听得了?Listen to our own henchmen talk when they gamble. They're no better. Why do you ask?

本次研究首次在郭局子洼陷沙河街组发现风暴岩沉积岩。This research firstly defines the tempestites of the Shahejie formation in Guojuzi sag.

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LDBS不能识别用全局查询语言书写的全局子查询,因此必须将全局子查询转换为用LDBS上的查询语言书写的查询语句。Each son inquiry only carried on one LDBS. LDBS can not distinguish with the overall son inquires which writed by the language of overall inquiry.

就像现实生活中一个吸DU的人,当然也是爱打架的,或者爱偷东西的,总有一件事情让你进局子里。Just like in real life a person smoking DU, of course, love to fight, or love to steal things, there is always one thing you into the Council yard.

根据以上研究成果,对胜利油田郭局子地区、桩西地区等滩浅海地震资料进行处理,提高了滩浅海资料的成像精度,取得了良好的应用效果。According to research result, seismic data processing of Guojuzi area, Zhuangxi area in Shengli Oil Filed has improved data imaging precision in Paralic Zone, better result has gotten.

娄省三在局子里和同事喝酒,而对于哥哥娄大炮,他的心里充满了怨恨,想做的事情什么也没完成,自己的理想和报复得不到施展。Lou Shengsan and his colleagues to drink in the yard, and for brother Lou cannon, his heart was full of resentment, want to do what I did not finish, their ideals and revenge not play.