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我把这本坏书付之一炬。I commit this evil book to the flames.

当天晚上,华人开设的洗衣店就有二十家被付之一炬。Twenty laundries were burned that night.

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我认为她很想把我们的房子付之一炬。I think she would like to burn our houses down.

那就将它付之一炬,因为它含有的不过是诡辩和幻想。For it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.

大教堂在公元1136年的大火中被付之一炬。The cathedral was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1136 AD.

我所有的辛勤工作与积蓄都似乎付之一炬了。All of my hard-work and savings was seemingly for nothing.

盛怒之下,他将所有的手稿都付之一炬。In a fury, he consigned all his manuscripts to the flames.

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最终这家人的屋子付之一炬,连带屋中的三只小狗。Their home was destroyed — along with three puppies that were inside.

我侄儿把他女朋友给他的所有的信件都付之一炬。My nephew committed all the letters from his girl friend to the flames.

1860年和1900年,园明园被英法联军和八国联军抢掠并付之一炬。However, it was robbed and burned off by Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860 and in 1900.

我所有的财产都付之一炬,我从此万念俱灰。My entire worldly wealth was swallowed up, and I resigned myself thenceforward to despair.

不过,与该地区非摩门教徒的冲突最终导致了杀戮,教徒的财产也被付之一炬。But strife with non-Mormons in the area led to killings and the burning of Mormon property.

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在我失去他音信之后的好多年我怀疑是否他所做的努力和牺牲都付之一炬了。For years after I lost him I wondered if all of his activism and sacrifice was for nothing.

塞纳河畔的杜伊勒里宫,它在1871年被巴黎公社付之一炬He lived in the Tuileries palace along the Seine, which was burned in 1871 during the commune.

颜色发紫的病害猪肉也在熊熊大火中被付之一炬。Color's delivering a purple disease to harm pork is confined to the flames in the flaming wildfire.

可是恰恰相反,我现在脑子里想的却是,走进劳动和社会保障部的大楼,然后将自己付之一炬。Instead, it makes me want to walk into the Department for Work and Pensions and set myself on fire.

公元前586年,耶路撒冷被俘虏,在巴比伦国王尼布甲尼撒的命令下被付之一炬。In 586 BCE Jerusalem was captured and put to the torch by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar.

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可惜的是,许多皇宫都在一八九二年对法军之战时付之一炬。Unfortunately, many of the palaces were burnt down by the Dahomey in 1892 during a war with the French.

在那一天,纳粹损坏教堂,并付之一炬,杀戮无数的人。On that day the National Socialists destroyed synagogues, setting them on fire, and murdered countless people.

在公园的边缘,当伦敦已经在脚下,他把从苏丹带来的全部文件付之一炬。At the edge of the park, with London at his feet, he set fire to all the documents that he had brought with him from Sudan.