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高岭土、芥子末等泥罨剂。A kaolin, mustard, ETC poultice.

同时,对高岭土有较高的除铁效率。Also, it has a higher iron-removal efficiency.

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高岭土采集后,利用溪水将其冲下。When Kaolin is quarried, it is washed down by stream.

陶瓷坯体用原料主要有长石,石英,高岭土等。Ceramic body for fan wei feldspar, quartz, gaol in, etc.

脉石矿物主要有石英、白云母和高岭土。The main gangue minerals are quartz, mica and kaolinite.

高岭土及类似土,不论是否煅烧。Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined.

这也是高岭土行业研究的难点和热点。This is the difficult and hot subject in the kaolin trade.

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从研究的角度对高岭土和高岭石的概念进行了区分。Distinguished the definition of kaolin from that of kaolinite.

苏州高岭土矿包括阳东、阳西、观山三个矿区。Suzhou kaolin deposits are distributed within three minefields.

使用廉价的高岭土为原料是制取沸石的理想途径。Manufacturing zeolite from kaoline is the most economical method.

结果表明偏高岭土具有较高的水化活性。The results show that metakaolin has a high hydration reactivity.

④碱组分、溶矿比对碱矿渣偏高岭土的基本性能会产生影响。Metakaolin brought forth negative impact on the strength of AASMC.

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结构铁是京西煤系高岭土中铁的主要存在形式,其中也含有微量结构钛。Structural Fe is the main existing form of Fe and Ti in kaolinite.

介绍了煤系高岭土的几种深加工利用方法。The processing techniques of coal series kaolinite are introduced.

因此,700℃下煅烧得到的偏高岭土活性最高。So, the activity of metakaolin is the highest after calcined at 700℃.

高岭土经过脱水后,转变成为具有高火山灰活性的偏高岭土。Kaolin can be made into a high-activity metakaolin when it is dehydrated.

致色杂质降低了高岭土的亮度并限制了它的应用范围。Discoloring impurities lowers the brightness of kaolin and limits its use.

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境内矿产资源丰富,用花岗岩、高岭土等矿种。Territory rich in mineral resources, with granite, kaolin and other minerals.

阐述了高岭土超细粉碎与剥片的重要意义。Expounds the significance of superfine grinding and peeling techanbgy of kaolin.

此外还有石灰石、铁矿、红柱石、石英砂和高岭土等。In addition there are limestone iron ores andalusite quartz sand and kaolin etc.