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我知道谁跟罗翰国的塞奥顿串通一气。I know who rides with Théoden of Rohan.

几家公司串通一气抬高物价。Several companies gang up to raise prices.

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人们总是串通一气不把真情告诉我。People always conspire to keep the truth from me.

意识形态上如此互为仇敌的双方竟安适地串通一气,我们谈论这个很重要吗?Is it important that we talk about this comfortable collusion between such ideological enemies?

伯宁在这场骗局中逐渐开始与克鲁格串通一气,甚至都没有意识到他已经超越了底线。Berning gradually became complicit in the fraud without ever quite realizing that he had strayed across the line.

另外,为了防止市民串通一气,获取钱财,法令还规定,流放者在十年后可以回到故土,继续支配他原来的所有财产。The law prevented folks ganging up for gain, since after ten years the ousted person could return to their full property.

原告方与贝里斯坦有没有可能串通一气,精心挑选了受访者呢?科罗尔公司希望我能查个水落石出。Was it possible that the plaintiffs had colluded with Beristain to handpick the interviewees? Kroll wanted me to find out.

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我几年前甚至浪费时间写了一个探讨罗伯特·斯坦尼克怎样和亚马逊串通一气制造虚假评论的帖子。I even dedicated some time a few years ago to write a post about how Robert Stanek is gaming Amazon with hordes of fake reviews.

尽管欧洲各大报纸在头条都进行了报导,而北美主流媒体的反映似乎是串通一气地保持着沉默。But while this made front-page headlines in European newspapers, the North American mainstream media were conspiratorially silent.

兰娅的母亲也被关在监狱,因为警方认为她与那些参与策划兰娅自杀式死亡的人们串通一气。Ranya's mother was also in the jail because she was believed to be connected to those involved in trying to organise Ranya's death.

就在三月,本拉登指责一些阿拉伯领导人与以色列和西方国家串通一气反对穆斯林并且鼓励进行圣战来解放巴勒斯坦地区。In March, bin Laden accused some Arab leaders of being "complicit" with Israel and the West against Muslims and urged holy war to liberate the Palestinian territories.

拉希德继续抱怨道,一些南部省份的劫掠者,包括济加尔省和瓦西特省,与执法部门串通一气。Mr.Rashid went on to complain that the looters in some southern provinces — including Dhi Qar and Wasit — operated with the collusion of the law enforcement authorities.

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但是,假如真有证据表明巴基斯坦当局在拉丹建造藏身所的过程中与他串通一气,那么,一切猜测都是多余的,美巴友谊有大麻烦了。But if evidence does surface that Pakistani authorizes were complicit in creating the hideout, then all bets are off. The U.S.-Pakistani friendship is in serious trouble.

拉希德继续抱怨道,一些南部省份的劫掠者,包括济加尔省和瓦西特省,与执法部门串通一气。Mr. Rashid went on to complain that the looters in some southern provinces — including Dhi Qar and Wasit — operated with the collusion of the law enforcement authorities.

拉希德继续抱怨道,一些南部省份的劫掠者,包括济加尔省和瓦西特省,与执法部门串通一气。Mr. Rashid went on to complain that the looters in some southern provinces — including Dhi Qar and Wasit — operated with the collusion of the law enforcement authorities.

但是,假如真有证据表明巴基斯坦当局在拉丹建造藏身所的过程中与他串通一气,那么,一切猜测都是多余的,美巴友谊有大麻烦了。But if evidence does surface that Pakistani authorizes were complicit in creating the hideout, then all bets are off. The U. S. -Pakistani friendship is in serious trouble.

国内的劳动市场正面临着长期的、像日本那样梦想破灭和机会匮乏式的可悲的停滞状态,但还有那么多的决策者们在这个问题上与他们串通一气。That so many policymakers are complicit in the sorry state of the nation's job market is risking a long-term, Japanese-like stagnation of dashed dreams and pinched opportunities.

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巴勒斯坦总统莫罕默德阿巴斯被要求与以方停止一切谈话,哈马斯号召发动“第三次起义”,并且谴责埃及和约旦在加沙计划上与以色列串通一气。Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, faces demands for an end to any talks with Israel. Hamas, calling for a "third intifada, " accused Egypt and Jordan of colluding with the Gaza plan.