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这楼已破败不堪。The building is now a ruin.

一幢幢的房子傲然矗立在一度只是破败陋室的地方。White houses prank where once were huts.

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这座颓废的城市,生活在这破败的陋室里。In this decadent city, living in a rattrap.

梅森正在前面破败的石级上坐着。Mason was seated on the broken front steps.

过去这路边破败的房子排成行。The shabby houses used to range along the road.

他走上前去敲了敲那扇破败的房门。He went to the tattered screen door and knocked.

电车走过一段长长的道路,穿过破败的郊区。The tram went a long way through the poor suburbs.

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在这个肮脏破败的地方居住着不为人注意的城市下层阶级。An inconspicuous urban underclass lives in squalor.

我买了一间破败的农舍,打算整修整修。I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up.

不久之前,世界还在为破败不堪的非洲悲叹。Not so long ago, the world lamented its broken continent.

现在校园里洋溢着吉庆,但面貌仍是极度破败。The sprawling campus is pleasant enough but badly dilapidated.

找到那个位于阿克汉姆主门西侧的破败建筑。Find the crumbling building to the west of the main asylum gate.

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在一座破败的褐砂石房子的右侧,矗立着一棵枯树。A dead tree stands to the right of a tumbledown brownstone house.

破败遍布世界,猩红的天空炙烤着下方的人类。Devastation over the world, bloodred sky burning the humans below.

党派政治在对这些问题的处理上已彻底破败。Factional politics has failed utterly to deal with these problems.

平壤凌厉的寒冬以及破败的经济同样成为一大障碍。Pyongyang's harsh winter and shattered economy were obstacles too.

在远处,你可以看到朝鲜的建筑,摇摇欲坠,破败不堪。In the distance you can make out dilapidated North Korean buildings.

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那条主要街道的两边都是肮些脏、破败的房子。The main street was edged on both sides with dirty decaying buildings.

我们会让更多美国人去从事修葺日渐破败的公路和桥梁。We’ll put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges.

在现实中,古巴横遭劫运,破败不堪,而格瓦拉众叛亲离,一命呜呼。In reality, Cuba got plundered and decimated, and Che got betrayed and shot.