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刹车盘的扭曲。Warping of brake discs.

现实扭曲引力场。A reality distortion field.

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弯曲的腿和扭曲的指头。Bandy legs and crooked toes.

我们已经扭曲了德国的射束。We had bent the German beam.

银色的铃铛和扭曲的贝壳。Silver bells and cockle-shells.

它被扭弯成一条扭曲的曲线。The act of twisting or turning.

这样一来,他就扭曲了事实。Thus, he misrepresents the truth.

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轻轻地移动扭曲你的脊柱。Gently moves and twists your spine.

杜松子酒里有一块扭曲的柠檬。Gin and tonic with a twist of lemon.

扭曲,变形,扭歪使扭歪的行为或例子。The act or an instance of distorting.

面部扭曲,痛苦不堪。Facial features are distorted in pain.

就象你把它扭曲成一个笑话?。Just like you twist it for a punchline?

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哈雷一言未发,他的面部扭曲着,开始哭泣。His face scrunches up. He begins to cry.

用扭曲的海绵大力搓洗玻璃。Scrub the glass with a wrung-out sponge.

病人痛苦得脸都扭曲变形了。The patient's face twisted up with pain.

马克思把这种扭曲叫作“异化”。Marx called this perversion "alienation."

会干这种事的人一定是个病态、人格扭曲的傢伙。Whoever did it is a sick , twisted person.

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免提通话有点扭曲了。Speakerphone calls had a bit of distortion.

他们的手都脱臼并且扭曲了“。Their hands were deviated over and twisted.

拜偶像是对美好的一种扭曲。Idolatry takes something good and twists it.