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水泡一触即破。A bubble bursts at a touch.

Tiffany黑玛瑙佛珠水泡项链。Toggle necklace. Black onyx beads.

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这么多水泡来自于哪里呢?Where are these bubble coming from?

蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。Cricket is built by blisters, crops.

医生用柳叶刀切开他手上的水泡。The doctor lanced the boil on his hand.

手上长了一个小水泡怎么办?。How did a vesicle grow to do on the hand?

手掌上为什么会长一些小小的水泡?。On the palm why chairman a few small bleb?

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用肥皂和水使水泡保持清洁。Keep the blister clean with soap and water.

他的鞋子太重,脚上磨出了水泡。His heavy shoes raised blisters on his feet.

我喜欢先用热水泡一下指甲。I like to let my nails soak in hot water first.

我的脚会被磨出水泡,并且很容易觉得疲劳。My feet blistered badly and I felt tired easily.

右脸上有个巨大的水泡。A huge blister covered the right side of my face.

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我们居住在用这种方法创造的一个水泡中。We inhabit the bubble that's created in that way.

长攻员负机身残骸放射亡水泡沫。Firefighters sprayed foam on the mangled wreckage.

水泡化是聚酯玻璃钢开始损坏的一种迹象。Blistering is a sign of breaking process of UP FRP.

这样可以防止水泡,破皮的发生。This may prevent blisters or raw skin from developing.

他把水泡挤破了喷出的东西都沾满了大G的了脸。He popped his blister and it squirted all over his face.

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就是这双鞋在我脚上磨起了水泡。It was this pair of shoes that raised blisters on my feet.

拔火罐拔出水泡谁知道怎么治育!!!!紧急。Cupping pulls out knows bleb how to treat Yo! ! ! ! Urgent.

见兹水泡订货单条附加的文件。See the attached file herewith the Blister order sheet Reg.