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本体材质采用精选的展性铸铁不易破裂变形。Made of selected malleable steel making them virtually unbreakable.

结论钉螺血淋巴细胞中的伸展性阿米巴细胞含ACP。Conclusion There is ACP in the spreading blood cells of oncomelania hupensis.

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本品具有优异的挂壁铺展性,充分作用到每一个部位。The product has excellent hang wall spreading property, fully role to each site.

目的观察巴曲酶在进展性脑梗塞中的治疗作用。Objective To investigate effect of batroxobin for progressive cerebral infarction.

平滑肌有较大的伸展性,它能够拉长,扩大,收缩起来缓慢而持久。Greater stretch of smooth muscle, it can stretch, expand, shrink up slowly and lasting.

PDGF有利于三维培养内皮细胞在有展性的胶原基质面形成血管样结构。Three dimension cell culture found PDGF could induce endothelial cell angiogenesis in vitro.

前后肢的角度协调,有足够的角度,可以提供充分的前躯伸展性和后躯驱动力。Angulation front and rear must be balanced and adequate to give forward reach and rear drive.

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正是展性使金属在压力下永久变形而不断裂。It is malleability that allows metal to deform permanently under compression without rupture.

非霍奇金病淋巴瘤又能进一步细分为慢性、进展性和强进展性疾病。Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma is sub-divided into indolent, aggressive, and highly aggressive diseases.

极其罕见。我们在注射时会尽力回避外展性额前肌以杜绝该现象。Very Rare, we avoid the lateral frontal muscle as much as possible to minimise this complication.

结论优化处方具有良好的涂展性、保湿性且黏着力适中。Conclusion The optimum formulation is of moderate viscosity with good spread and humectant properties.

潜水材料制成,内置远红外碳纤维加热片。良好的伸展性可满足大多数奶瓶的需要。Made out of stretch neoprene with a build-in heating element, stretches to fit most baby feed bottles.

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白云凹陷是新生代在伸展性大陆边沿上发展起来的大型沉积盆地的一个次级构造单元。Baiyun depression is part of large depositional basin on the edge of extensional continent in Cenozoic.

结论优化处方具有良好的涂展性、保湿性,且黏着力适中。CONCLUSION The optimum formulation is of moderate viscosity with good spreadable and humectant properties.

该覆盖剂具有良好的铺展性和保温效果,在使用过程中粉尘少、不结壳、不挂渣。Under the service condition, the cover agent spurts little dust, does not congeal and has not slag adhered.

进展性肿瘤、滋病和一些慢性进展性疾病可以表现出恶病质。Patients with advanced cancer, AIDS, and some other major chronic progressive diseases may appear cachectic.

结论发病后高纤维蛋白原水平为急性进展性脑梗死的危险因素。Conclusion The high levels of fibrinogen are one of the risk factors in acute progressive cerebral infarction.

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可展性是曲面的一个重要内在性质,在工程中有着广泛的应用。Developability is one of the most important intrinsic properties of surface, which is applied widely in practice.

回顾性研究发现,关节病性银屑病发病特征亦多样化,且呈现进展性病程。The clinical findings hinted that psoriatic arthritis had diverse onset features, and took on a progressive course.

“按照设想,在我们讨论具体技术问题之前,先得商定良好的两性关系模式作为开展性教育的基础,”米勒说。“Ideally, we’d discuss healthy relationships as a foundation for sex ed before we discuss mechanics, ” Miller says.