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你要和我角斗吗?Would you fight me?

摔跤手在角斗前称了体重,是160磅。The wrestler was weighed in at 160 pounds.

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但历史上真实的角斗情况如何呢?But what about genuine gladiatorial events?

在古罗马的角斗场上,角斗士与狮子搏斗。Gladiators fought with lions in the arena in Rome.

当两只老虎长大成熟后,命运注定他们再次相遇,只不过这一次他们不再是兄弟而是角斗场上残暴的对手……幸运的是它们逃离了角斗场。The two brothers are destined to meet again when they grow up.

东西双方的目光都集注于场中二人的角斗。All in the hall were intensely fastening their eyes on the two fighters.

卡尔就是一群蛹的结合体,非常适合角斗。Carl was a collection of pupae, perfectly suited for gladiatorial combat.

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第二个主要事件是我们遭遇了传说中的角斗王。The second major event we encountered was the infamous gladiatorial boss.

按照他说的去做,只要你让他满意,就可以饶你不用去角斗场上被人打死。Do your duty to his satisfaction, and you'll be spared damnation in the arena.

大约有500,000人和一百多万只动物死于角斗游戏中。About 500, 000 people and over a million wild animals died in the Colosseum games.

吉奥诺西斯人唯一的希望是在角斗中胜出。What little hope an aspiring Geonosian has lies in escape through gladiatorial combat.

许多城市,包括走霉运的底特律,都与攀爬的犯罪率角斗着。Plenty of cities are struggling with upticks in violent crime, including luckless Detroit.

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当这两方开始竞争起来,你将看到,这是一场各显神通的角斗。When these two come into rivalry, you will see it will be a case of pull devil, pull baker.

雄性突吻鲸也使用獠牙来角斗,并在彼此身上留下一道道交叉的伤疤。The males also use the tusks for sparring , giving each other crisscrossed patterns of scars.

这样,我从情感的领地上下来,到了角斗场上,开始针锋相对。I thus came down into the arena from the regions of sentiment and began to spar in right earnest.

作为对他公开反抗罗马总督的惩罚,斯巴达克斯被判处在角斗场上战死。As punishment for defying a Roman Legate, Spartacus has been sentenced to die in the gladiator arena.

在吉奥诺西斯行刑角斗场上,足智多谋的囚犯智胜扑向他们的凶恶猛兽。The crafty captives outwitted the vicious beasts unleashed upon them at the Geonosis execution arena.

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角斗职业有去无回,所以缺口很大,是一项比较赚钱的买卖。Accurate measure vocational not get it back, so the gap is very big, is a relatively profitable venture.

由于没有东西再可以猎取,罗迪亚人变得不安分了,他们开始在角斗中互相猎取对方。The Rodians grew restless with nothing to hunt, and turned to hunting each other in gladiatorial combat.

尽管电影涉及了这方面,但老虎在真实历史中的角斗领域是很不成功的。Despite the final appearance given by the movie, tigers were largely unsuccessful in the gladiatorial area.