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我跟庞家一刀两断了。I've finished with the Pangs.

你最好与他一刀两断。You'd better break off with him.

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吵嘴后她和男朋友一刀两断了。After the quarrel she gave her boyfriend the gate.

我要把拴在她脚上的这根绳子一刀两断,让她离开此地。I break the thread which binds her foot, and she departs.

钱德想和她一刀两断,却一次次的礼节性的对她说,记得打电话给我啊!Chandler tells her he"ll call even though he doesn"t intend to.

如果你敢于当着我的面说那个词,咱俩就一刀两断。If you dare to use that word in my hearing again, we part brass rags.

我要和以前学的那些玩艺儿一刀两断,一切从头开始。I want to make a clean sweep of everything I've learnt and start afresh.

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跟别人一刀两断以后谁还肯帮助你?那真是傻。Why burn a bridge to someone who could help you later? That's just stupid.

他下决心重新开始,和那些狐朋狗友们一刀两断。He resolved to make a fresh start, and throw off undesirable acquaintances.

如果我在你心里,真的是那样的一个人,我们就一刀两断把。If I were in your heart, really is like a person, we make a clean break to.

格雷斯仍然热恋那个红发小伙子吗?我还以为她和他已经一刀两断了呢。Is Grace still gone on that red-haired boy? I thought she'd finished with him.

格雷斯仍然热恋那个红发小伙子吗?我还以为她和他已经一刀两断了呢。Is Grace still gone on that red- haired boy? I thought she'd finished with him.

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忘却曾经共同拥有的一切,一刀两断难道真的只是一把锋利的刀就解决了吗?Forget once owned everything, we really just to remove a sharp knife will be solved?

当孩子卷进来时,与传统性伴侣一刀两断非常重要。Breaking with traditional gender patterns is especially important when children are involved.

其实,与民间文艺学一刀两断的民俗学又何尝能独立门户。In fact, make a clean break with the Folk Art Folklore having the same problem can be their own.

她说出的“一刀两断”正是说出了我们的心声,正是我们所要追求的最完美的结局。Her saying "make a clean break" It is out of our mind, is exactly what we want to pursue the perfect ending.

当他们在凌晨1点终于回到家里,他们简直要跟GPS一刀两断,看看已成旧爱的地图还会不会接受回心转意的自己。When they finally got home around 1 am, they were ready to break up with their GPS and see if their old maps would take them back.

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丽迪亚试着一个星期只吸一只烟,但还是改不掉旧习惯。后来她干脆决定与烟一刀两断。Lydia tried to smoke only one cigarette a week, but she ended up going back to her old habits. She decided to try out going cold turkey.

在他看来,西方的伟大绘画,正是那种并未同东方绘画一刀两断的绘画。Looked like in him that, West' s great drawing, is precisely that kind by no means the drawing which severs completely with the Eastern drawing.

你可以因循苟且,你能够尽量拖延,就是无法与造物主一刀两断,因祂已在你的妄作能耐上设了限。You can temporise and you are capable of enormous procrastination, but you cannot depart entirely from your Creator, Who set the limits on your ability to miscreate.