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哼,这个妹妹,真会乘人之危。Hum, the younger sister, was fishing.

或者命运觉得他们还不够衰,要继续对他们乘人之危?Or fate think they enough failure, must continue to their fishing?

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洪七公的病情加重,欧阳克又想乘人之危。Master Hongqi's illness, Ouyang grams and want to take advantage of her.

因此乘人之危行为的效力是可撤销的,而非当然无效。What's more, the behavior potency may not be invalid and must be abolished.

他心中暗怒四大鹰犬乘人之危,趁他受伤时偷袭,决定向他们施展报复。He was thinking to anger four YingQuan fishing, while he is injured cs, decided to cast their revenge.

一开始,瑞秋很恼火,但我们知道,那是因为罗斯真的在乎她而不想乘人之危。She was initially offended, but we knew it was because he really cared, and didn't want to take advantage.

埃利不想乘人之危,所以不让杰姬过火接近本人,因而想方法于她坚持一定间隔。Ella, so not the don't want fishing near himself, let Jackie far in her method and wants to adhere to certain intervals.

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将以欺诈、胁迫或乘人之危订立的劳动合同规定为可撤销合同可以解决这一矛盾,并能够更好地保护当事人的利益。This contradiction can be solved and the parties can be protected better when such contract is provided as voidable contract.

海地的情况很糕,在苦难和动乱之中,孟山都这个魔鬼企图乘人之危牟利。Conditions are terrible in Haiti and in the midst of the hardship and turmoil the evil that is Monsanto is trying to take advantage.

当我看到你们双双坐三轮车驶向市区的时候,先时不以为意,过后不久,慢慢地看出些端倪,有人说是乘人之危,还有人说是引狼入室……I did not take it to heart when I first saw you two sitting on a tricycle heading for town, but soon I sensed something wrong there.

与人有了争端,他从不刻薄,也不小气,从不乘人之危,从不为了争辩而误解别人的人格或说尖利的言辞,或者暗示那些他不敢说出口的邪恶的事情。He is never mean or little in his disputes, never takes unfair advantage, never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments or insinuates evil which he dare not say out.