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我需要充电我的大哥大。I need to recharge my cell phone.

我有试着打你的大哥大,但忙线中。I tried to call your mobile phone, but it was busy.

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大哥大在现代世界扮演一个重要角色。Cell phones play an important role in our modern world.

我姊姊比你的大哥大三岁。My elder sister is three years older than your eldest brother.

我知道这是如此伤害和嘲笑我们,她为什么这么大哥大?I knew that it is so hurt and ridiculed us, why she was so big brother?

模拟移动电话“大哥大”在我国已风行多年。Analog cellular phone has been guite popular in our country for many years.

这一切似乎就是80年代,一个和红色背带和板砖大哥大一起消失的世界。It all seems so 80s, a vanished world of red braces and brick-sized mobile phones.

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不服气阿?你要是不服气打个大哥大大家来研究一下。Feeling unhappy? If you are unhappy, dial my cell phone number and let's study about it.

是的。她从香港给我们寄了几张相片呢,手里拿了个大哥大。Yeah, she sent her pictures to us from Hong Kong. She just took a big phone in her hand.

“村”,那么,将超越奥威尔“大哥大”的角色,成为孕母。The "VILLAGE, " then, would transcend the Orwellian "Big Brother" role and become surrogate parent.

我已经无聊到要跟着大哥大嫂去倒垃圾,起码还没带照相机!I was so free as to going to the dump site with Dage and Dasao, but at least I didn't take the camera!

美国的大哥大形象已不再存在,但是他们的角色还是具有着重要的意义。No longer is the U. S. able to call the tune, but nevertheless their role will be of significant importance.

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一个个都会区中,都市化的嬉皮士从呼叫器升级到大哥大,到有CD唱片配备的轿车。In one major metropolis after another, urbanized yuppies graduated from beepers to cell phones to sedans with CD players.

我厂生产的大哥大,无论您走到哪里,都是您传递信息的贴身好伙伴。The moBile telephone produced By our factory is a good companion on your person and transmits information wherever you go.

那位监管先生拿着块书写板以及一部手提电话,式样介于二战时期的步话机以及上世纪九十年代的大哥大。He carried a clipboard and something that looked like a cross between a World War II-era walkie-talkie and a 1990s cellphone.

然而,此系统被贬损为“穷人的大哥大”,由于其限制漫游的能力。However, the service has been pejoratively dubbed as the "poor man's cellular", due to its limited range and roaming abilities.

我们现在用的“手机”历史可以追溯到它发明的年代---80年代,在它还是“婴儿”时期的时候,它的“体型”是巨大的,所以当时的手机还有个绰号叫做“大哥大”。由于体积太大,用手掌还不能完全包容它。Portable mobile phones that we would recognise today did not appear until the 1980s and even then they were still too big to hide in the palm of your hand.

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接下来的一个早上,漆林,刘大哥大嫂还有我都回到小学,同一些熟人告别而不需要像前些天那样工作了。Following morning, Qilin brother, Liu brother and his wife and I all came back to the primary school to bid farewell to some people instead of working like before.

古蒂前往印度访问,为其行为所引起的反感道歉,并希望她在“名人大哥大”的印度版“名人老大哥”节目上的现身有助于做出弥补。Goody visited India to apologise for the distress her actions had caused and had hoped her appearance on, Bigg Boss, the India version of Big Brother would also help to make amends.

我那时打手机总有点儿不好意思,因为曾听一位很有品位的人说,看女人掏出BP机、大哥大,像个女特务似的。At that time, I always felt a little ashamed to call by mobile phone, because I once heard a high taste man who said that a lady looked like a spy, when she took out BP or mobile phone.