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我拜倒在你脚下。I am at your feet.

走到哪儿脚下都是满地的纸屑,天啊,还有水果皮,难道屋子从来都不扫吗!?The rooms are never swept!

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在万国之神的脚下。God of nations at Thy feet.

潮湿的稀泥在脚下闪光。Thewet mud shining underfoot.

打在你巉岩的脚下,噢,大海!At the foot of thy crags, O Sea!

金光大道在脚下。Golden thoroughfare in the feet.

在他的脚下,悬崖开始变得陡峭起来。The cliff fell away at his feet.

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大地在他脚下颤动。The ground quaked under his feet.

大地在他的脚下震动。The ground quaked under his feet.

叫万物都服在他的脚下。And put everything under his feet.

弯弯腰,脚下一片洁净。Bend down and keep the floor clean.

光明,臣服在我的脚下吧!Bright, succumbed to it in my foot!

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悬崖在他脚下陡降下去。The cliff dropped away at his feet.

他脚下一跐跌入水中。With a slip he fell into the water.

躺在迎风招展的花朵脚下。Beneath the feet of dancing flowers.

路在我的脚下慢慢的延长。The road is extending under my feet.

我们脚下的土踩上去很松软。The soil felt soft beneath our feet.

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时代的强音正在你的脚下踏响。Age is being sounded under your feet.

我不怕天,也不怕地,自己的路儿在脚下。And my own ways are under my own feet.

路在我的脚下慢慢的延长。The road is extending beneath my feet.