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这位年轻作家写了一部关于科索沃战争的小说,这使他初露锋芒。The young author bowed in with a novel about the Kosovo War.

但是发展中国家银行已经开始初露锋芒。But developing-country banks now have got things right on a number of fronts.

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十一黄金周期间,郊区商业地产开始初露锋芒。Golden Week holidays, the beginning of fire directed suburbs commercial real estate.

那个青年人在科技界初露锋芒。The young man displayed his talent for the first time in the scientific and technological circles.

近年来精确制导炸弹在战争中初露锋芒,受到了普遍的重视。Along with the appearance of precise guidance bomb, its correlative technologies are being developed with more recognition.

有点年头的餐馆都占了上风,但新登陆的餐馆也借此机会在最佳新晋餐厅这个奖项上初露锋芒。Established eateries dominated the awards, but the new kids had their chance to shine with the best new restaurant category.

语言教师身份在教师教育和教师发展的研究中初露锋芒。Language teacher identity is an emerging subject of interest in research on language teacher education and teacher development.

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谢尔维在上赛季末从查尔顿竞技加盟利物浦,本赛季在一队中初露锋芒。Shelvey joined Liverpool at the end of last season from Charlton Athletic and has been involved in the first-team squad this term.

语言教师身份在教师教育和教师发展的研究中初露锋芒。The last few years have seen the appearance of a great number of applied linguistics researches devoted to the topic of language teacher identity.

虽然赖斯的家庭支持初露锋芒的民权运动,但与当时许多黑人中产家庭一样,他们并没有积极参与。Though Rice's family supported the burgeoning civil rights movement, like many middle-class blacks in that day, they were not active participants.

他已经从曾经的初露锋芒成长成为现在拥有的引人注目表现,特别是在萨拉戈萨在西班牙国王杯的决赛中。He has really begun to fulfil his potential this term, turning in a number of eye-catching displays, especially during Zaragoza's run to the Copa del Rey final.

罗纳尔迪尼奥在1998年与格雷米奥队签约,从此开始了正式的球员生涯。在那里他已初露锋芒,不久就吸引了全世界足球界的关注。Ronaldinho began his footballing career with Gremio de Porto Alegre in 1998, where his burgeoning talent soon brought him to the attention of the international football world.

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近年来,装载机行业价格战尚未尘埃落定,质量战、技术战、差异化战又初露锋芒。In recent years, the price competition in loader industry has been very serious and now the quality competition, technical competition and differential competition started also.

将召集世界各地初露锋芒的艺术家于5月初在新加坡举行为期4天的音乐盛会。Taking place in Singapore in early May, the Gilles Peterson Worldwide Festival presents a 4-day musical bonanza with the very best in up-and-coming artists from all over the world.

今年3月才满20岁的沃尔科特与06年从南安普敦转会至阿森纳,他在为俱乐部上阵的103场比赛中打进14球,初露锋芒。Walcott, who turned 20 in March, joined Arsenal from Southampton in January 2006, has already made a marked impression at the Club, racking up 103 appearances and scoring 14 goals.

摩尔的才华在他19岁时代表英格兰U23比赛时初露锋芒,在1962年英格兰4-0战胜秘鲁的比赛中,他完成了他的成年国家队处子秀。Moore's talent first came to the fore when he earned a call up to the England Under-23 side aged just 19, and he made his senior international debut in a 4-0 victory over Peru in 1962.

福克斯是否能流行开来还有待观察,但其试驾视频获得的观看次数和好评,表明该款新车的初露锋芒颇受肯定。Time will tell whether Focus catches on, but early reviews suggest that the model's buzz is positive, given the number of views and the tenor of comments from videos shot on the test drive.

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这场绵延了18个月的官司最后以双方和解告终,对在国际市场初露锋芒的华为来说,这是场不平常的胜利。This is continuous the lawsuit of 18 months reconciles with both sides finally end, right in international market display one's talent for the first time China for for, this is a blazing victory.

作为史密森协会和麻省理工初露锋芒的项目,这个构思队将会出版一本介绍效果的小册子,并附带发行一个建造游戏时开放源码的内容管理工具包。As a first-of-its-kind project for the Smithsonian and MIT, the team will publish a handbook with the results, and release a package with the open source content-management tools built for the game.

据悉,在美剧初露锋芒后,贾斯汀·比伯还准备开拍一部自己的成名之路电影,不过,该片目前的筹备工作陷入了僵局。It is reported that burst on the scene edge play in the United States, the justin bieber also prepared to start shooting a movie the way their fame, but the preparations for the film present impasse.