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蜣螂觉得粪便是好东西。To a dung beetle poop smells just fine.

埃及圣甲虫其实就是蜣螂。The Egyptian sacred scarab is a dung beetle.

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研究人员给蜣螂戴帽来阻挡光线。Researchersgave dung beetles caps to block out light.

蜣螂的个头大小不一,其身长小到1毫米,大到6厘米。Dung beetles vary greatly in size, measuring between 1mm and 6cm in length.

蜣螂是第一种证明使用银河定位的动物。Thedung beetle is the first animal proven to use the Milky Way for orientation.

该物种的雌蜣螂会在粪块下打洞,在那里等待雄蜣螂前来与它们交配。Female beetles of this species dig tunnels under a dung pat, where males mate with them.

伯恩和他的团队之前证明蜣螂使用太阳、月亮和偏振光定位。Byrne and histeam previously proved that dung beetles use the sun, the moon and polarisedlight for orientation.

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雌性蜣螂会在每个粪球中植入一个虫卵,虫卵将会在粪球中取食直到幼虫完全发育成成虫。Females plant a single egg in a dung ball where it matures from larva to fully formed beetle, feeding off the waste.

在瓦特森女士与西蒙斯博士位在柏斯的实验室中,他们将雌性蜣螂根据体型分成三组。In their laboratory in Perth, Ms Watson and Dr Simmons divided their female beetles into three groups, according to body size.

由于蜣螂将大量的粪便移至地下,所以在控制牲畜病虫害方面,蜣螂被认为是不可或缺的。Because they move so much waste underground, dung beetles are considered essential to controlling disease and pests among livestock.

该物种的雌蜣螂会在粪块下打洞,在那里等待雄蜣螂前来与它们交配。Knell added that some male dung beetles are smaller and weaker, but do not have to fight for female attention due to their "substantially bigger testicles".

采用张亚强氏造模方法造成大鼠的慢性前列腺炎模型以筛选出蜣螂抗前列腺炎的有效部位。In the experiences, we adopted the Zhang Yaqiang's methods to make the rats contracted to chronic prostatitis, and screen the effective parts of anti-prostatitis.

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然而,一个天体太远以至于无法改变相对于一只蜣螂滚粪球的位置,结果导致甲虫保持直线旅行。However, a celestial body is too far away to change positionrelative to a dung beetle as it rolls its ball, with the result that the beetlekeeps travelling in a straight line.

部分蜣螂干脆居住在粪便当中,其他蜣螂用自己的后足将粪便滚成完美的球形,进行距离的运输,直到到达它们埋藏粪球的地方。Some species simply live in the dung, while others form perfectly spherical dung balls, which they roll with their hind legs, often over large distances, to a place where they can bury it.

本文利用实体显微镜和扫描电镜对典型土壤动物穿山甲、蝼蛄、蚂蚁、蜣螂等的爪趾进行了观察分析。In this paper, the claw shapes of the typical soil animals such as pangolin, mole cricket, ant, dung beetle etc. are observed and analysed by stereomicroscope and scanning electro-microscope.

试验证明,仿蜣螂头前部“推土板”形状而设计的仿生推土板,具有较明显的减粘降阻效果。The experimental results have shown that the bionic bulldozing plates imitated the head surface of the dung beetle have an obvious effect of decreasing resistance and reducing adhesion of soil.

这些蜣螂立即分解了埋于地下的粪便,因此如果他们成功地采取了他们新的环境,不久它成为了本地普及且可持续发展的生态环境。The beetles immediately disappear beneath the pats digging and tunnelling and, if they successfully adapt to their new environment, soon become a permanent, self-sustaining part of the local ecology.

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因此,语文教育必须具有乌托邦精神,抵御乐感文化,承继“蜣螂仪式”盛典,以构建学生的精神家园。Therefore, the education of language and literature wants possessing spirit of Utopia, resist "music feeling′s culture", carry on grand ceremony of "Qiang-lang rites", build students′ spiritual world.