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大丈夫的出产地、领袖的制造中心。Makers of men, creators of leaders.

产地证是要自己做的吗?Certificate of origin to their to do?

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都是唐代名茶产地。Origin in the Tang Dynasty are famous.

高粮产地,牵制性战斗。High grain region, diversionary battle.

不同产地和月份的芒果叶中芒果苷的含量存在差异。The contents of Mangiferin in the leafs of F.

乔治亚州是最大的山核桃产地。Georgia is usually the biggest pecan producer.

瑶里啊正是浮梁茶的主要产地。Yaoli is the principal producer of Fuliang tea.

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景德镇是一个出名的瓷器产地。Jingde Town is known as a china-producing place.

届时巴西将跻身于全球前五大石油产地。That might make Brazil a top-five source of oil.

这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。The area is famous as a great tea-producing place.

这句话是不需要产地证。CO is not required for this Komar regular shipment.

是我国惟一的长绒棉产地。China is the only long-staple cotton producing area.

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务必写清它的产地、品牌和编号。Be sure to put down its make, brand and serial number.

美国加州是世界上大杏仁的最主要产地。California grows the most and best almonds in the world.

奥地利是受欢迎的功能饮料红牛的产地。Austria is the home to the popular energy drink Red Bull.

那里堪称是地球上最大的海洋爬行动物化石产地。it's the biggest locality of marine reptiles in the world.

全球的粮食产地之一坐落于加拿大的大草原。One of the world's breadbaskets lies in the prairies of Canada.

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让品茶人品到第一手的产地茶农茶!Tea character so that the farmers first-hand the origin of tea!

浙江省是绿茶的主产地之一。Zhejiang province is one of main production areas of green tea.

兰州蕨菜的主要产地在榆中南山的二阴地区。Lanzhou fern in the main origin of the Yuzhong Nanshan Yam area.