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我就是老学不会。I never can.

通常不会。Not usually.

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应该不会吧。It shouldn't.

我相信不会吧。I believe not.

不会倾听。Not listening.

你以为不会吗?You think not?

狼兄,这是学不会的。It is in the blood.

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诚实不会吃亏的。It pays to be honest.

埃德加不会伤害我们的。Edgar will not hurt us.

他知道好景不会太长。He knows it won't last.

我永远学不会谦让。I never learn humility.

哦不会吧,他做什么了?!Oh no, what did he do?!

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潮湿的木头不会着火。Damp Wood will not fire.

他永久不会健忘那张脸。He never forgets a face.

我将永遥不会健忘你。I will never forget you.

我担心我会不会跌倒。I wonder if I will fall.

不会出差错。No mistakes could arise.

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不会很多。Not as much as I should.

不会漆测量竿的。Not the measuring stick.

当然喽,先生们,我想你们不会。Sure, Sirs, I think not.