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我拥有这么多同船出国的旅伴。I had such company outward bound.

夜晚我是否会遇到其他旅伴?Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?

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他的旅伴是个古怪的人。His travelling companion is a queer person.

小比利既让我感到不再无聊,又是一个旅伴。Billy Boy was both a diversion and a fellow traveler.

先生,请容许我向你引见我的旅伴。Allow me, Sir, to introduce you to my fellow-travellers.

我有了一个新的旅伴,可以再次做游戏了。Once again I had a game to play and a new fellow-traveller.

让你的旅伴也吃点喝点吧,他比你还衰弱。But bid thy companion eat and drink also, he is wearier than thou.

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“这又要一阵子了,”我的旅伴抱怨著。"This could take a while, " one of my travelling companions muttered.

他没有得到通行护照,只带着一个人为旅伴,便向康士坦司出发了。Without a safe-conduct he set out, with a single companion, for Constance.

我提醒一位旅伴看,差不多每幢屋子外面都飘扬着美国国旗。I remarked to a fellow passenger on the US flag flying outside almost every house.

在飞往纽卡斯尔的航班上旅伴们似乎很少登记为座位为1A的VIP。Fellow-passengers on the flight to Newcastle barely seem to register the VIP in seat 1A.

她很担心会晕船,可是旅伴们同她说说笑笑,使她忘了晕船的事。She was very much worried about getting seasick , but fellow-travellors laughed her out of it.

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自从和她的旅伴们分开后,艾紫培一直在游荡,直到一个瓦许克女人将她领入自己的房间。Separating herself from her companions, Elspeth wanders until a woman of the Vulshok takes her in.

“快走吧,古德曼布朗”,旅伴催著,“才上路就这麽慢吞吞的。"Come, Goodman Brown! "cried his fellow-traveler, "this is a dull pace for the beginning of a journey.

有个雅典富人,与别的旅伴一块儿航海.海上风暴骤起,船被打翻了.。A rich Athenian was sailing with some other travellers. A violent tempest suddenly arose, and the boat capsized.

我又回到车里,开了几个小时,去取回我那会发出两个声调的小旅伴。当我赶到时,已是半夜了。I got back in my car and drove the couple of hours to retrieve my two-toned touring buddy, arriving near midnight.

但是,感染扩散至他的旅伴和一名照料这两名患者的20岁女护士。Infection nonetheless spread to his travelling companion and a 20-year-old female nurse, who attended both patients.

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留意这样的时机——你的旅伴在和当地人交流,或被某些有趣的事情所吸引。Look out for situations where your companions are interacting with locals or are occupied with something of interest.

换火车让我们又和一批新的旅伴有了接触,他们中间大多数人也是到北京去的。Switching trains brought us into contact with a whole new set of travellers, most of whom were also heading for Beijing.

生活是一辆永无终点的公共车,当你买票上车后,很难说你会遇见什么样的旅伴。Life is a never-ending public car, when you buy a ticket on the train, it's hard to say what you will meet the companion.