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我们给他以热诚的欢迎。We accorded him a hearty welcome.

他的朋友热诚拥抱他。His friends gave him a cordial hug.

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我们给他以热诚的欢迎。We accorded him a heartful welcome.

这是一项需要热诚的任务。This is a subject which requires zeal.

他怀着极大的热诚为理想而努力。He worked for the cause with great zeal.

热诚欢迎果品同业者加入中国果协。Warmly welcome fruit society to join us.

他受到热诚的接待。A heartful reception was accorded to him.

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军山酒店全体同仁热诚欢迎您的光临!A warm welcome awaits you at Junshan Hotel !

我的寄宿家庭妈妈热诚地迎接我。My homestay mother greeted me with cordiality.

九龙山国家森林公园热诚欢迎您!Nine Dragons National Forest Park welcomes you!

我的女主人以出乎意外的热诚迎接我。My hostess greeted me with unexpected cordiality.

他的热诚足以软化铁石心肠。His enthusiasm is enough to melt a heart of stone.

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谨此,热诚欢迎海内外朋友前来指导和交流。Patronization from both home and abroad are welcome.

热诚欢迎新老客户来函来电!Sincerely welcome new and old customers letter calls!

他将自己的智慧和热诚献给了他的同胞们。He gave of his intelligence and heart to his fellowmen.

他们去看张先生,张先生热诚地欢迎他们。They went to Mr. Chang, who gave them a hearty welcome.

热诚欢迎广客户前来洽谈合作业务!Warm welcome-business customers to discuss cooperation!

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热诚欢迎来函来电洽谈业务、建立合作关系。Welcome to setting business relationship with each other.

他享受宴饮、享受美酒,总是热诚而友善。Always he was hearty and enjoyed a party and a good drink.

⊙、内心的热诚和真纯的愿望,往往是不可以实现的。Passion and true pure inner desire, is often not possible.