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这里没有矛盾。No conflict there.

这是矛盾的。That is contradictory.

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矛盾的我要死!Antinomy of I want to die!

你如何解开这些矛盾呢?How do you disentangle those?

如何解释这种矛盾?How to reconcile this paradox?

职业规划用了矛盾修辞。Career planning is an oxymoron.

矛盾有两种形式。Contrariety then has two forms.

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是啊,矛盾,你没觉得吗?Yes, antinomy, didn't you feel?

这就是矛盾地昌修。It is the conflicting Chang Soo.

这是人民内部的小矛盾。This is an intramural scrimmage.

运动本身就是矛盾。Motion itself is a contradiction.

那怎么解释这一矛盾呢?So what explains the contraction?

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这当然是矛盾的And that's, of course, incoherent.

死或生——这矛盾是真实的。Die to live – the paradox is true.

一般来说什么原因引起矛盾?In general, what causes conflicts?

人,真是一个矛盾体。People, is really a contradiction.

矛盾正在加剧。The contradictions are sharpening.

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它总是与矛盾联系在一起。And it is rife with contradictions.

它几乎是出奇的矛盾It's almost insanely contradictory.

设置矛盾,引起悬念。Set the conflict, causing suspense.