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她出生于名门望族。She comes from a famous family.

她出身于名门望族。She comes from a well-known family.

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她家在该地区是名门望族。Her family is well-known in the region.

他是一家名门望族的始祖。He was the progenitor of a distinguished family.

他是名门望族的直系后裔。He is lineally descended from a respectable family.

她出身于名门望族,又很富有。这一切都是我所需要的。She is rich and of good family and that's all I want.

沈明臣出身于宁波栎社一大家望族。Shen Mingcheng was born into a family of wealth in Lishe, Ningbo.

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我们的祖父辈是北京几家望族的祖先。Our grandfathers ancestored some of the well-known families in Beijing.

史密斯先生眼下沿街卖报,可他却是出身望族。Mr Smith came of good station though he now sold newspapers in the street.

要想在那公司获得管理部门的一个职位,你必须是出身名门望族。You have to be out of the top drawer to get a management position with what company.

她出生于巴西一家名门望族的银行世家,却行事很低调。Low-profile member of one of Brazil's oldest and most distinguished banking families.

于是,许多名门望族纷纷前来争聘他的第二个女儿。Thereupon, many distinguished families came to propose marriage to the second daughter.

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佩顿·法夸尔,家境殷实的种植园主,出身于阿拉巴马州一个古老的望族。Peyton Farquhar was a well-to-do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family.

于是,许多名门望族纷纷前来争聘他的第二个女儿。Thereupon, many distinguished 8 families came to propose marriage to the second daughter.

第一章考察嘉定世家望族,阐明当地古学传统。Chapter One examines the families of rank in Jiading district to clarify the ancient local tradition.

刘氏家族乃中华之望族,人口众多,为我国第四大姓。The Liu's surname household is a China to hope a clan, densely populated, is our country the fourth surname.

栖霞牟氏封建地主庄园家族是古时栖霞四大望族之首名宦牟氏的一个后世分支。Qixia Moushi feudal landlord family is one future generation branch of the ancient four Qixia prominent families.

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此外还有赛西尔·柏莱·艾塞克斯上校,也是一位威风十足的弗吉尼亚名门望族——不过我们和他却没什么关系。Then there was colonel Cecil Burleigh Essex, another F . F . Vof formidable caliber-however, with him we have no concern.

顾氏为昆山望族,有为雅集提供政治、经济、安全保障的充足能力。The Gu family is so prominent that it has adequate capacity to provide political, economic, and secure guarantee for the gathering.

以描写显赫封建望族的兴荣衰败,敲响了中国封建社会的丧钟。By telling the story of a grand feudal family from prosperity to destitution, the novel sounded the death knell of the feudal society.