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现在盛开着鲜艳夺目的一片小黄花。A hundred bright yellow flowers grow.

金黄色和绯红色的灌木,火一般的颜色,鲜艳夺目。The bushes,golden and crimson,glowed with the color of fire.

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著嫩笋丁子,红白绿三色辉映,鲜艳夺目,汤中泛出荷叶的清香,想。The soup looked marvelous with the red, white and green colours.

我愿变成一朵鲜艳夺目的小花,常开在你目光注视的地方。I would like to become a colourful flower, often open in your eyes.

我们的爱像花儿一样鲜艳夺目。Our loves are like flower similar and fresh and gorgeous brilliant.

春天的花朵,总是那样地鲜艳夺目,又总是那样地短暂难留。Spring flowers, always so to colorful, and always so hard to stay short.

上海就像一轮红日,光芒四射,鲜艳夺目。Like a rising sun, Shanghai is shining with boundless radiance and brilliant color.

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电化铝烫印的图文呈现出强烈的金属光泽,色彩鲜艳夺目、永不褪色。Anodized hot stamping of graphics and text rendering great metallic colours, never fade.

在中蓝色中加入蓝紫色就形成了一种格外鲜艳夺目的暖色。When violet is added to the medium blue a particularly striking, warm coloration is created.

在春天,大自然送给我们五彩缤纷、鲜艳夺目的花朵和绿色的嫩芽——小小的新生命。In spring, nature gives us colorful and dazzling flowers and green buds, the little new lives.

愿你的新年鲜艳夺目,愿你的新年辉煌光耀光辉!佳节钝乐!Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the reason bring much pleas are to you.

两个性别的蜥趾龙都有羽毛,但雌性的头冠羽毛和五颜六色显得更鲜艳夺目。Both genders have feathers but female plumage and overall coloration tends to be more vivid and striking.

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颜色釉的釉面鲜艳夺目,五光十色,因其闪射宝石般的光辉而被誉为“人造宝石”。The glaze of full-color porcelain shines with bright colors, and it has gained the nickname of artificial diamond.

在沟渠的护墙上,黄色的迎春花鲜艳夺目。被成为第一朵玫瑰的他们,是最早开放、最勇敢的花儿。Primroses, glowing yellow from the walls of sheltered ditches, prima rosa, the first and most courageous of the flowers.

每种鸟都呈现了比仅一年前更大和更圆的尺寸,羽毛的色彩也更鲜艳夺目。Each species of bird appear larger and rounder in size than only a year ago, and the color of the feathers is more vibrant.

项链上饰有鲜艳夺目、包边镶嵌的红色心形水晶及透明密镶水晶。It features vibrant heart-shaped Siam crystal hearts in a bezel setting, with a touch of clear crystal pavé for the necklace.

江孜地毯已有600多年的历史,它纺织精密,经久耐用,花纹富有民族传统,颜色鲜艳夺目。Gyangze carpet has a history of 600 years. It is exquisitely made , durable, designed in ethnic traditions with dazzling color.

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鲜艳夺目的戏衣、神奇怪诞的脸谱,富有独立的欣赏价值,是享誉中外的艺术瑰宝。The colorful clothes and the bizarre magic mask have the independent value, which is the famous Chinese and foreign art treasures.

在东营的黄河入海口,还有成片的碱蓬与芦苇,鲜艳夺目、生机勃勃。At the mouth of the Yellow River in Dongying, there are stretches of Suaeda Salsas and reeds, growing gracefully and energetically.

我们很幸运,生长在一个崭新的时代,科学从未如此鲜艳夺目的花朵,科学的道路从来没有这么宽。We are lucky to grow in a new era science has never been so dazzlingly beautiful flowers the road of science has never been so wide.