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地图和地理空间数据。Maps and geospatial data.

你支持地理定位吗?Do you support Geolocation?

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你的地理课是什么时候?When is your geography class?

甘蒂主修地理。Candy is majoring in geography.

他几乎没有学多地理。He learnt next to no geography.

我找不到地理书了。I can't find my geography book.

什麽是地理定位功能?What is Location-Aware Browsing?

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正北方是地理的北极。Beijing is in the north of China.

地理不再是我们的限制。Geography is no longer our master.

国家地理。寻找超级大鱼。白鲟。N. G. Monster. Fish. Great. White.

老师在讲地理课。The teacher is teaching geography.

国家地理。守护大自然。意大利。N. G. Guardians. Of. Nature. Italy.

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洛伊先生是一名地理教授。Mr. Loewi was a geography professor.

在2009年里,地理定位是一个热门的话题。Geo-location was a hot topic in 2009.

我在地理课上学过。I learned it from my geography class.

国家地理。河流与生命系列之莱茵河。N. G. Rivers. And. Life. Rhine. HDTV.

地理空间数据是地理信息系统的基础。Geo -spatial data is the basis of GIS.

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国家地理。河流与生命系列之恒河。N. G. Rivers. And. Life. Ganges. HDTV.

另一方面,地理仍是个大麻烦。On the other, geography still matters.

我们在地理课上使用地球仪。We use a globe in our geography class.