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其实很多山区都多雨。A lot of mountains are rainy.

降低半山区西部的地积比率。Reduce the PR in Mid-levels West.

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这条路在山区里曲曲弯弯蜿蜒向前。The road zigzags in the mountains.

家家户户逃往伊朗或者山区。Families fled for Iran or for the hills.

只有在高海拔的山区才会下雪。It snows only in the very high mountains.

这里可是海拔非常高的山区啊。This is a very high-altitude alpine area.

东部山区被针叶树林覆盖。Conifer forests cover the eastern versant.

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这个村子位于一个偏僻的山区。The village in an out-of-the-way mountain area.

这个村子处于偏僻的山区。The village is an out-of-the-way mountain area.

他们都匆匆忙忙地离开山区。They all pell-melled out of that mountain area.

让自由之声响彻从格鲁吉亚的石山区。Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.

我生活在叫仙山的山区小镇。I live in a small mountain town called Fairmount.

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这一切决定了山区农业综合开发模式的特殊性。So the development pattern is very special there.

这个骠悍的部落居住在山区。The fierce tribe inhabits the mountainous regions.

第二天,老鹰一家朝山区飞去。The next day the eagles flew towards the mountain.

汇总了秦巴山区生物能源植物资源的基本情况。The basic situations of the plants were summarized.

在山区修筑公路确是艰钜的事。A road in the mountainous area was a real challenge.

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伞兵部队正在山区重新部署。The paratroops are redeploying in the mountain area.

老鹰一家再一次出发向山区飞去。Once again, they started flying towards the mountain.

对杨雷来说,在山区生活是一次全新的体验。Life in the mountains was new experience for Yang Lei.