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时至今日,还要为本土流氓集团歌功颂德。To date, but also as a rogue group singing the praises of the local community.

他没想要任何贡品、颂歌或歌功颂德的墓碑、诗词。For he did not wish tribute or song, nor monuments, nor poems of war and valor.

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在剧中,演员试图去表现剧作家人性的一面,而不仅仅是为其歌功颂德。In the show, the actor attempts to humanize rather than eulogize the playwright.

他是位莎士比亚作品演员,来我们学校为莎翁歌功颂德。He was a Shakespearean actor who came to our school to extol the virtues of Shakespeare.

这本小说批判农民起义,但对反动统治者歌功颂德。This novel criticizes the peasants' uprising and sing the praises of the reactionary rulers.

批评言论集中在宣传部门鼓励唱红歌所表现的歌功颂德作风。Critics have also taken aim at the shameless spirit of Party propaganda the red songs embody.

因此,政治人物和商界领袖之流都为创新歌功颂德也就不足为奇了。Little wonder, then, that politicians and business gurus alike sing the praises of innovation.

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当然,美林和赛恩有其值得赞赏的地方,但投资者不该对他们过分地歌功颂德。Of course, while giving Merrill and Mr. Thain their due, investors shouldn't shower them with rose petals.

在蒙古地区流传的成吉思汗传说,绝大多数都是从正面对成吉思汗歌功颂德的。The Genggis khan legend spreading widely in Mongolian area mostly sing praises of Genggis khan's success and virtue.

如果有一个小说家,无论因为什么原因,他为这堵墙歌功颂德,那么他的文字又有什么价值呢?If there were a novelist who for whatever reason wrote works standing with the wall of what value would such works be?

我的言辞并非歌功颂德。寂静之刃为我们的服务远远没有结束,你将成为复活他的工具。My words are no eulogy. Stillblade's service to us is far from over and you will be the instrument of his resurrection.

尽管如此,虽然他可能确实实力非凡,但乔布斯真的就当之无愧其粉丝们以及亦步亦趋的媒体的歌功颂德吗?But able though he may have been, did Steve Jobs really deserve the kind of veneration he has received from his fans and a fawning media?

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就在民主党在窝里斗的你死我活的时候,共和党既定候选人,老麦却在美国悠哉游哉为自己歌功颂德。While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.

许多人几个月以来远离朋友和家庭,无休止地为奥巴马最近的演讲歌功颂德,不厌其烦地提醒人们为他投票。Many have already driven away their friends and family with months of endless praise for Obama's latest speech and constant reminders to vote.

汉赋,之所以长期受冷落,其主要原因在于它是专为统治阶级歌功颂德、润色鸿业的宫廷文学。The reasons for the absent treatment of Han Fu mainly lie in its property of being a royal literature, which sings the praises of the ruling society.

我军门神雷纳在国王肯尼和总监茉莉面前对这位已经为国家队出场33次的西班牙国脚好好地歌功颂德了一番。Kop goalkeeper Pepe Reina has sung the praises of the 33-times capped Spain international to manager Kenny Dalglish and director of football Damien Comolli.

我,没有什么特别的,只是一个有着普通想法的人,过着普通的生活,没有人为我立碑著书,歌功颂德,我的名字也将很快被人遗忘。I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts, I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me. And my name will soon be forgotten.

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在这种严厉的政治环境之下,文学只得屈从于政治,歌功颂德、粉饰太平成为当时文学创作的主流样式。In this harsh political environment, only political literature, sing praises of someone, window dressing become the mainstream format at the time literary creations.

这些著作的修纂意义不只在于为皇帝歌功颂德,更为后人提供统治的样板。The repair of these books is to compile the significance not only singing the praises of the emperor, the provision of the rule is more a model for future generations.

后者则属宫廷艺人之作,以宣扬教化、点缀升平和歌功颂德为特色,体现出宫廷杂剧的风格。Its feature was to publicize traditional ethics, embellished peace prospects and extolled merits and virtues of emperor, therefore it embodied the style of imperial court drama.