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这里是海图室。Here’s a chart house.

本船配有电子海图显示与信息系统。The ship is equipped with an ECDIS.

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所有可以通航的水道都已在海图上标出来。The navigable channels have all been charted.

本仪器供航海人员在海图上测量绘图用。This equipment is used for drawing chart for the seaman.

由于风,海图所标水深增加了2米。Charted depth of water increased by 2metres due to winds.

如今,讨论了若干年的“电子海图时代”早已悄然而至。Now, the ECDIS that discussed some years have already come quietly.

备有最新的有效海图,特别是拟定航程的海图。Up-to date sea charts are available, especially for the voyage intended.

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海图室有9英尺乘以11英尺大小,还有高达5英尺的充足的净空高度。The chart room was 9 feet by 11 feet and had 5 feet of generous headroom.

马里斯太平洋海图被认为是最早的太平洋海图的印刷版本。The Maris Pacifici is believed to be the first printed map of the Pacific.

几个月之后两个探险队在杰克逊港再次相遇,弗林德斯展示了他绘制的海图,法国官员们也同意,几乎所有南部海岸的发现,功劳都应该是弗林德斯的。Some months later the two expeditions met one another again in Port Jackson.

贮藏地图和海图最好的办法是把它们悬挂起来。The most effective way of storing maps and charts is achieved by suspension.

测量和制作兼备中、英文的海图。Hydrographic surveys and nautical charts follow the standards set by the IHO.

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突然间他跪在了地上,并铺开了一张海图。Suddenly he was on his knees on theblacktop, unrolling a nautical chart of the sea.

在海图上,灯塔的灯光特点被显示为白和红的扇区。B. Indicates a danger area. C. Is used to identify the characteristics of the light.

介绍了椭球面、大地水准面、平均海面和海图深度基准面的定义。The definitions of ellipsoid, geoid, mean sea level, and chart datum are introduced.

有制作海图天赋的她被阿朗海盗团吸收为干部。She became a cadre of the fish-man pirates mission for her talent in draw nautical charts.

本论文选题来源于“基于电子海图的航路编辑器系统”。The thesis stems from the subject of "Navigation Line Editor System of Navy based on ENC".

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本文介绍了电女海图及其现示体解收铺的海外外现状以及ECDIS的从要功能。In this thesis, the development status and the main functions of ECDIS are introduced first.

最终实现了雷达数字批目标信息在电子海图上的叠加显示。Finally, overlay displaying the radar digital batched objects on electronic chart is realized.

海图编辑设计是海图制图学的重要组成部分和研究重点。The Chart Designing, one of content of the Chart Cartography, is emphasized in science research.