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实验室中脱胶后的丝蛋白。Degummed silk in the laboratory.

如果声音沉闷,说明有脱胶的地方。If voice boring on a unglued traffic.

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该酶对苎麻脱胶有较好的特异性。The enzyme had better specificity for ramie retting.

双梯形的试样将产生切变脱胶现象。A double trapezoidal specimen will generate shear debonding.

如何分析解决生产中出现的脱胶问题?How to solve the separation between the insert and compound?

真丝绸脱胶是真丝绸染整加工的一道重要工序。Silk degumming is a key process for silk dyeing and finishing.

文章介绍了麻纤维脱胶研究的发展状况。The development of hemp bast degumming methods are introduced.

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无气泡,无严重变形,不脱胶,良好的亮度。No bubbles, no serious distortion, no degumming, good brightness.

上述酶类需要在苎麻脱胶过程中作进一步的研究。The above results should be testified by ramie degumming process.

对橡胶籽油的脱胶脱色的工艺进行了研究。Deguming and bleaching of rubber seed oil were studied in this paper.

研究了一种苎麻生物脱胶方法—厌氧微生物法。A method for ramie degumming by anaerobic microorganism was conducted.

脱胶过程中油脂的质量参数没有发生明显变化。The quality parameters of oil had no obvious change in degumming process.

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分析了罗布麻脱胶前后胶质的变化和精干麻的品质指标。The degumming property and the quality index of retted fiber are analyzed.

该胶粘带抗撕裂、不易脱胶、生产过程无三废、效率高。It is used in packing, and it is tear resistant and has fast adhesive layer.

该文综述了亚麻酶法脱胶的研究现状及前景。The current research situation and prospect of flax enzyme-degumming were summarized.

因为不弱碱易使网不面迷失,感平膜脱胶等本体。Because of the strong base giving mesh point is missing, the de-rubber photoptic film.

鞋底是用特制的强力胶粘合的,保证不会脱胶!Soles with a special adhesive strength of the joint and it certainly will not unglued !

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阐述了亚麻粗纱化学脱胶工艺中与化验相关的各种问题。The paper expounds every related problem to the chemical degumming process of linen roving.

还原糖和蛋白质的变化在整个脱胶过程中略呈“M”型。The curve change of reducing sugar and protein shaped like a "M" in the whole retting process.

本文主要研究生物酶处理对竹纤维脱胶效果的影响。The effect of bio-enzymatic treatment on the refining of bamboo fiber was studied in this paper.