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买一些浓缩汤汁?Buying some soup?

然后过滤汤汁让肉慢慢冷却。Filter the broth and let it cool down.

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当我把汤汁洒得衣服上到处都是。When I drip gravy all over my clothes.

我们是做面条的,血脉里流淌着汤汁。We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins.

用细眼滤网将混合汤汁二次过滤后倒回罐中。Strain through fine-mesh sieve back into pot with liquid.

揭盖煮至将所有煮锅中的汤汁收干。Uncover and boil until any liquid remaining in skillet evaporates.

要用鸡汤蒸制,以保持汤汁浓鲜。Steamed chicken broth to use in order to maintain fresh thick soup.

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用盐调味,汤汁过滤后便成虾汤。Season with salt and strain the broth. This is now your prawn stock.

炖时调味料不能下得过早、以免汤汁不白。When stew seasoning can not come too soon, so the broth is not white.

将蚬放入锅,加入煮蚬时留下的汤汁再煮。Add the clams to the pan, together with their strained cooking liquid.

用细眼滤网将汤汁过滤,保留滤出的固体部分。Strain through fine-mesh sieve into large clean pot, reserving solids.

最后把豆腐用抹黄油的刀片成厚片,倒入汤汁即可。Finally the bean curd with buttered blade into thick slices into soup, can.

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将朝鲜蓟装入盘子里,浇上锅里的汤汁,上桌。Transfer the artichokes to a plate, drizzle them with pan juices, and serve.

大约20分钟之后,汤汁变的越来越浓,此时便可起锅了。The liquor will be thick enough in approx . 20 minutes, then it's time to serve.

这碗面的汤汁是用老汤调制的,味道鲜美醇厚。The soup in this bowl of noodles is made of bree. It tastes thick and delicious.

松鼠鱼的鱼肉爽滑细腻,汤汁鲜美异常。Such fish-meat tastes refreshing and delicate with extraordinarily delicious juice.

使用烤过的土豆做汤,你不需要什么时间就能得到一碗浓稠,嫩滑的鲜美汤汁。A creamy, cheesy soup comes together so quickly when the potatoes are already baked.

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加入蕃茄、椰奶或淡炼乳煮滚,至汤汁转浓即可。Add tomatoes, some coconut milk or evaporated milk and cook until gravy is thickened.

盖上锅盖把锅里的猪肉炖上一个小时左右,锅里的汤汁变稠。Cover and stew the pork for about 1 hour, until the juice in the wok turn to be thick.

过滤汤汁用一个好的漏勺,用厨房滤纸,过滤后的放入小锅内。Strain broth through a fine sieve lined with two paper towels and return it to the pot.