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他佯装不知实情。He pretended not to know the facts.

一位佯装顾客而偷窃货品的人被店员逮到。A shoplifter was caught by the store clerks.

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佯装与计谋都是下象棋常耍的把戏。Feints and stratagems are the stuff of chess.

很多哺乳期妈妈要将泵奶器藏起来,还有些妈妈则在打电话找保姆或询问孩子今天表现如何时佯装工作。Many nursing mothers hide their breast pumps.

仙鹤组成一道花环,佯装着起飞。The cranes form a garland in the pretence of flight.

⊙、命运拉扯着年月的年轮,佯装惟我独尊的老练。The fate of pulling date rings, pretend overweening sophisticated.

加沙地带硝烟再起,他国要想佯装不知,也是困难重重的。As the flames in Gaza attest, the rest of the world is hard to ignore.

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当加内特靠近他时,波什佯装跳投,加内特上当了。As Garnett approached him, Bosh faked a jump shot and Garnett bit hard.

既然黄成要她“滚”,她拉不下面子只好佯装收拾东西。Since Huang Cheng roll to her, she too had to pretend to tidy up thing.

林薇佯装生气,言说只要给她一点暗示,也不会妄加猜测李檬。Linwei pretend angry, just give her a hint of speech, nor wangjiacaice lee.

“把人砸得头破血流还这么高兴。”我佯装骂她。"Hit human the head wreck a blood still so elated. "I pretend to scold her.

布鲁特斯佯装是凯撒的朋友,但他其实是凯撒的敌人。Brutus pretended to be a friend of Julius Caesar, but he was actually a foe.

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他心里明白他们是在捉弄他,但他佯装不知。Though he knew they were playing tricks on him, he pretended not to notice it.

他们会佯装离开,只留下少数代表。They would pretend to go away, leaving behind a small number of representatives.

普京是特朗普在电视上佯装的那种人在现实世界里的真人版。Putin is the real-world version of the person Trump pretends to be on television.

不要逃避改变或佯装变化不存在,而是迎头应对改变。Instead of avoiding the change or pretending it doesn’t exist, deal with it—head on.

此时忽然有一个日本士兵走了进来,吓得猴子赶紧佯装掏粪。Now suddenly have a Japanese soldiers came in and frighten monkey hurriedly sham tao dung.

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父亲试图呆在重病特护区里她的身边,佯装他自己就要死去了。The father tried to stay near her in intensive care, pretending that he himself was dying.

鲍姆加滕见状佯装愤怒,大喊着把手中的稿件揉成一团扔向了摄像机。Baumgarten cries in mock exasperation, balling up paper and throwing it towards the camera.

铁虎和兰如剑冲进作战室,佯装要取神谷性命。Iron tiger and LAN such as sword rushed into the war room, pretend to take god valley of life.