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晚餐后我想去剧场看「人物传奇秀」。I want to see the stage show "Live Legends" after dinner.

这几朵奇秀的山峰,就是八仙峰。These extraordinary and beautiful peaks are Eight Immortals Peak.

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它被暱称为「人间第一奇秀」,多年来一直经营得很成功。It was nicknamed "The Greatest Show on Earth" and has been highly successful over the years.

灵岩寺峰峦奇秀,风光旖旎,以风景幽深、泉石秀丽著称于世。Temple Hill scenery, an exquisite scenery, scenery, to deep springs Shi Xiuli known to the world.

位于市中心的豫园保存完整,是“奇秀甲于东南”的江南名园。Under well preservation, the Yuyuan Garden in city center is a famous garden featuring southern China structures.

灵隐景区山峰奇秀,因灵隐寺成为著名的佛教胜地。Lingyin Scenic Area has unusual beautiful mountain peaks and becomes famous Buddhist resort because of Lingyin Temple.

位于市中心的豫园保存完整,是“奇秀甲于东南”的江南名园。Yuyuan Garden Under well preservation, the Yuyuan Garden in city center is a famous garden featuring southern China structures.

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我曾经两次穿越小五台山,被它的险峻山势、奇秀景色所吸引,这是一条有挑战性的线路。I went through the small Wutai mountain twice and was attracted by its danger and enchanting landscapes. Going through this area was of great challenge.

这次的默科奇秀显得有点荒诞可笑,因为萨科奇先生不断强调他完全同意默克尔夫人的观点,但双方却又说不出这观点具体是指什么。This made the latest Merkozy show surreal, as Mr Sarkozy kept saying he was in "complete accord" with Mrs Merkel even though neither could say what they agreed about.

海南安定山海拔800多米,山上长满老树古藤,岩石叠峰奇秀,山花烂漫,林木荫翳,曲径通幽。Hainan Peak more than 800 meters above sea level, the mountains covered with trees Furuto, rock Qixiu overlapping peaks, flowers are blooming, trees and shading, winding streets.

最后,这些社区通过一条蜿蜒的人行步道连接在一起,在供人们欣赏奇秀壮观、摄人心魄的长江景观之余,还为人们在一年的四季中提供了便捷的室内外生活方式。Eventually an enclosed walking street will weave through many of these neighborhoods, offering four seasons of convenient indoor-outdoor living in addition to views of the ever-changing Yangtze River.