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李甜甜想方设法找到答案。Li Tiantian tried to find the answer.

你怎么想方设法要我当众出丑的?How you tried to publicly humiliate me?

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她想方设法要了解他内心深处的想法。She sought to discern his inmost thoughts.

我想方设法说服了他进行一项巨额投资。I smooth-talked him into a huge investment.

随着赌注的升高,赌徒们也在想方设法求胜。As stakes rise, gamblers are demanding an edge.

为什么他总是想方设法毁坏我的名誉?Why is he always trying to vilify my reputation?

如今,他们连一微秒都要想方设法赢得。Today, they're angling for a one-microsecond edge.

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那你干嘛一直想方设法想使她相信自己是只长毛象?。Why are you trying to convince her she's a mammoth?

她想方设法为我们提供一切方便。She laid herself out to provide us with every facility.

我想方设法从他嘴里套出他们另一些合同的细节。I tried to pump him for details of their other contracts.

有时候,凯恩会想方设法智取。Still, Kane would try to circumvent her parents' efforts.

尽管他的考分很低,他还是想方设法进了大学。He managed to get into college in spite of his bad grades.

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他读书读烦了,于是想方设法地寻找业余爱好。He struggled to find a hobby, having burned out on reading.

他想方设法地阻止了自己变老,甚至是阻止了自己长大。He had managed to prevent his ageing and even his growing up.

我们必须想方设法使晚庄稼成熟得更快些。We must try every means to ripen the late crops more rapidly.

若是运气好的话,我可能会想方设法娶到了其中一个做我太太了。With a bit of luck, I might have managed to marry one of them.

信是那个国王写的,他想方设法让人把这封信递到了这里。It was from the king, who had finally managed to get it to her.

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哈里为了被提升,正在想方设法地对老板拍马奉承。Harry is working hard to butter up the boss to get that promotion.

然而,在这种环境下,你要想方设法弄出点新意。And then in that environment, you're trying to be creative as well.

他知道他想方设法要逮住的那匹马离此不会太远。He knew the horse he was trying to capture could not be too far away.