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这个新编的剧目很好,人人都很欣赏它。We enjoyed the concert very much.

这个新编的剧目很好,大家都很欣赏。The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it.

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新编的电脑程序有点瑕疵。但是我们已经完全的解决掉了。There were a few bugs in the new computer program.

三段新编芭蕾舞将在演出中首演。The performance will include the premiere of three new ballets.

全称国民革命军陆军新编第四军。The full name of the National Revolutionary Army New Fourth Army.

如果你今天晚上听收音机,你将听到我弟弟谈他新编的话剧。If you listen in tonight you'll hear my brother talking about his new play.

听众们可以看出,他在头脑中将曲目变调、改调、重新编曲。You could see him modulating, changing, re-composing the piece in his head.

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所以这篇文章并不能被视为一个突破,也称不上复活的历史传言的新编。The new thesis is not so much a breakthrough as a historical rumor revived and reframed.

第五章则是对上海京剧新编剧本创作特点的分析。Chapter Five analyses the creative features of new scenarios of Shanghai"s Peking Opera."

他向资助他拍第二部影片的制片厂的领导介绍他新编的故事。He offered his new story to the heads of the studio that had financed his second picture.

他还新编格列佛游记,在格林威奖得主与堂吉诃德。He has also retold Gulliver's Travels, winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal with Don Quixote.

这个新编的剧目很好,人人都有很欣赏。我们到达那儿前,剧就已经开始了。The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it. By the time we got there, the play had already begun.

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从抗日战争时期对中国教科书的删节到日本左翼势力新编的教科书,其指导思想是一脉相承的。They had a uniform guideline from the abridgment to the compiling of textbooks by Japanese left-wing force.

但是在现代戏和新编的一些古装戏里,新程式的创造得不到发展和壮大。In modern drama and the newly-adapted costume drama, the new formality fails to be developed and strengthened.

本文借用“互文性”的理论,来考察李碧华的“故事新编”。This article borrows the "intertextuality" theory, to investigate "The rewriting of traditional stories" of LiBiHua.

重点介绍了我国修船业的发展现状和新编修船价格本的基本情况。This paper introduces mainly the developing state for ship repair in our country and basic condition for the newly made Price List.

当下的大银幕上,似乎每位超级英雄都推出了自己的现代新编——蝙蝠侠、钢铁侠、蜘蛛侠,不胜枚举。These days it seems like every superhero has been given a modern makeover for the big screen — Batman, Iron Man, Spider-Man, the list goes on.

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新编初中思想政治教材的一个突出特点是增加了引言和设问小栏目部分。The main characteristic of the new politics textbook for the junior middle school students is the additional forewords and mini question tables.

在人民教育出版社新编课标版的六册初中历史教材中,每册均安排了一定数量的活动课。The People Education Press releases a set of six new middle school history textbooks, which are arranged for a certain amount of activity classes.

该游戏讲述了许多相同的方式发生了生化危机2,生化危机的成因新编原生化危机的事件。The game recounts the events of Resident Evil 2, much in the same manner that Resident Evil Genesis retold the events of the original Resident Evil.