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圈椅是我国传统家具中的瑰宝。The round-backed armchair is a rarity in the antique traditional furniture of our country.

他们看见莫雷尔以超人的力量抱住那只坐着诺瓦梯埃的圈椅,把老人抬上楼来。Morrel was seen carrying, with superhuman strength, the arm-chair containing Noirtier up-stairs.

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研究表明径山方丈椅是新发现的又一种宋代圈椅。The Jingshan abbot chair in Southern Song Dynasty is discovered to be a new kind of circular chair.

上首一把圈椅比别的椅子高出许多,椅子上坐着一位特别胖的绅士,一张脸滚圆通红。At the top of the table, seated in an arm-chair rather higher than the rest, was a particularly fat gentleman with a very round, red face.

融合东西方元素,保留了中式圈椅大气圆润的扶手特色,结合欧式高挑优雅的腿部造型,显露出雅致浑然的味道。Mixed with eastern and western elements, the elegant and round armrest in Chinese round-back armchair and European high leg make it elegant and harmonious.

说起中式风格的餐厅,很容易让人想起圈椅、镂空隔断和雕花吊顶等传统设计元素。Refer to chinese style restaurant, it is very easy to remind us of traditional design element such as armchair, piercing partition, engraving ceiling and so on.

每个标间价格一样,却风格各异,圈椅、榻榻米、古典家具……各种风格大相径庭的房间不断冲击你的视觉末梢。Each standard room with same price has various styles, Round-backed armchair, tatami, classical furniture, ect. Different decoration style will make your eyes dazzled.

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与传统中式风格不同的是,此设计并未使用圈椅等传统元素,而是在餐椅上套了一个浅色麻布料制成的椅套,十分质朴。The design which differ from traditional chinese style don't use armchair and other traditional element, but fit a light linen seat-cover on the chair, looks austerely.

乡绅已派人把所有的东西都修复好了,酒吧间和招牌都重新油漆过,还添了些新家具——首先,在酒吧里为我母亲添了把漂亮的圈椅。The squire had had everything repaired, and the public rooms and the sign repainted, and had added some furniture--above all a beautiful armchair for mother in the bar.

本文以时间为顺序,畅述了家具发展的历史背景,并揭示出社会,经济,文化等诸多因素对圈椅发展的影响,从而分析圈椅的发展历程,总结了各时期的圈椅的特点。By analyzing the factors that influence the evolvement of the Ming-style Round-backed Armchair, the article summarizes the characteristics of the round-backed armchair among different periods.

巴洛克风格的雕花木柜,法国古典雕花木圈椅,笨重的留声机,古旧的钢琴,让人恍若置身于百年前的欧洲。Baroque-type carving Cabinets, French classic carving wooden chairs, a cumbersome gramophone, and an antiquated piano are all available. It seems that it got back to the old Europe 100 years ago.