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一名天真的孩子在一个客栈蹊跷地死了。An innocent child died oddly in an inn.

觉得有点蹊跷,我走了进去。Thinking that was a bit odd, I went in.

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它不仅蹊跷,而且令人难以置信。It's not only strange, it's unbelievable.

由于几个原因,这听起来有些蹊跷。This sounds a bit odd for several reasons.

整个事情使我觉得有点蹊跷。The whole shebang smells sort of fishy to me.

莉莎看着一切甚是蹊跷,边起了问茱莉亚。Lisa asked Julia, who was watching everything.

不过植松觉得这件事有点蹊跷。However plant loose feel that this matter has a hitch.

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甚至更为蹊跷的是,这条街道鸦雀无声,寂静异常。Even more odd, the street was filled by an unbroken silence.

有些情节似乎带有非现实世界的蹊跷神秘。Some non-plot seems to be a mystery to tamper with the real world.

就在此后不久,他在西伯利亚遭遇了一场蹊跷的车祸,因此丧生。Soon afterwards, he was killed in a suspicious car accident in Serbia.

姑且撇开纳税人所负担的成本不谈,这里面还颇有蹊跷。The likely cost to taxpayers aside, there’s something strange going on here.

可是这里面还有些蹊跷,为了谨慎起见,她可不敢说出来。But there was still something lurking behind, of which prudence forbad the disclosure.

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建筑巧合造就神奇,田螺坑地名的来历颇为蹊跷。With such extraordinary coincidence, the origin of Snail Pit Village was rather freaky.

谢小诺发现夜总会的名片,心生蹊跷,戴骨顺也不知道是怎么回事。Odd Xie Xiaonuo found card clubs, and wear suitable bone also dont know what is going on.

当麦克告诉他母亲只有他们母子俩要去时,她觉得事有蹊跷。His mother thought something was wrong when Mike told her it would only be the two of them.

“背后总是有什么蹊跷的,正常人一般不会满世界嚷嚷着威胁别人”,他说。"There's something behind it. People don't normally go around threatening people," he said.

“背后总是有什么蹊跷的,正常人一般不会满世界嚷嚷着威胁别人”,他说。"There's something behind it. People don't normally go around threatening people, " he said.

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雇员们在嘁嘁喳喳四下议论,一清早就出现这种情况,倒是有点儿蹊跷。There was a buzz of conversation among the employees generally, unusual this early in the day.

认为中央情报局放出不可靠同时又蹊跷而精确的信息听起来像无端多疑。The notion of the CIA leaking unreliable and yet oddly precise information sounds like paranoia.

常兰感觉事有蹊跷并立刻猜到是梁守业搞的鬼。ChangLan feeling can smell a rat and immediately guess is the sovereignty of the beam have demons.